Source code for dfttools.presentation

This submodule contains data visualization routines.
from .types import Basis, UnitCell, Grid, __angle__, __xyz2i__

import math
import colorsys
import base64
from StringIO import StringIO

import numpy
import numericalunits

__elements_table__ = (
    ('H' , (255,255,255), 0.53, 0.37),
    ('He', (217,255,255), 0.31, 0.32),
    ('Li', (204,128,255), 1.67, 1.34),
    ('Be', (194,255,  0), 1.12, 0.90),
    ('B' , (255,181,181), 0.87, 0.82),
    ('C' , (144,144,144), 0.67, 0.77),
    ('N' , ( 48, 80,248), 0.56, 0.75),
    ('O' , (255, 13, 13), 0.48, 0.73),
    ('F' , (144,224, 80), 0.42, 0.71),
    ('Ne', (179,227,245), 0.38, 0.69),
    ('Na', (171, 92,242), 1.90, 1.54),
    ('Mg', (138,255,  0), 1.45, 1.30),
    ('Al', (191,166,166), 1.18, 1.18),
    ('Si', (240,200,160), 1.11, 1.11),
    ('P' , (255,128,  0), 0.98, 1.06),
    ('S' , (255,255, 48), 0.88, 1.02),
    ('Cl', ( 31,240, 31), 0.79, 0.99),
    ('Ar', (128,209,227), 0.71, 0.97),
    ('K' , (143, 64,212), 2.43, 1.96),
    ('Ca', ( 61,255,  0), 1.94, 1.74),
    ('Sc', (230,230,230), 1.84, 1.44),
    ('Ti', (191,194,199), 1.76, 1.36),
    ('V' , (166,166,171), 1.71, 1.25),
    ('Cr', (138,153,199), 1.66, 1.27),
    ('Mn', (156,122,199), 1.61, 1.39),
    ('Fe', (224,102, 51), 1.56, 1.25),
    ('Co', (240,144,160), 1.52, 1.26),
    ('Ni', ( 80,208, 80), 1.49, 1.21),
    ('Cu', (200,128, 51), 1.45, 1.38),
    ('Zn', (125,128,176), 1.42, 1.31),
    ('Ga', (194,143,143), 1.36, 1.26),
    ('Ge', (102,143,143), 1.25, 1.22),
    ('As', (189,128,227), 1.14, 1.19),
    ('Se', (255,161,  0), 1.03, 1.16),
    ('Br', (166, 41, 41), 0.94, 1.14),
    ('Kr', ( 92,184,209), 0.88, 1.10),
    ('Rb', (112, 46,176), 2.65, 2.11),
    ('Sr', (  0,255,  0), 2.19, 1.92),
    ('Y' , (148,255,255), 2.12, 1.62),
    ('Zr', (148,224,224), 2.06, 1.48),
    ('Nb', (115,194,201), 1.98, 1.37),
    ('Mo', ( 84,181,181), 1.90, 1.45),
    ('Tc', ( 59,158,158), 1.83, 1.56),
    ('Ru', ( 36,143,143), 1.78, 1.26),
    ('Rh', ( 10,125,140), 1.73, 1.35),
    ('Pd', (  0,105,133), 1.69, 1.31),
    ('Ag', (192,192,192), 1.65, 1.53),
    ('Cd', (255,217,143), 1.61, 1.48),
    ('In', (166,117,115), 1.56, 1.44),
    ('Sn', (102,128,128), 1.45, 1.41),
    ('Sb', (158, 99,181), 1.33, 1.38),
    ('Te', (212,122,  0), 1.23, 1.35),
    ('I' , (148,  0,148), 1.15, 1.33),
    ('Xe', ( 66,158,176), 1.08, 1.30),
    ('Cs', ( 87, 23,143), 2.98, 2.25),
    ('Ba', (  0,201,  0), 2.53, 1.98),
    ('La', (112,212,255), 1.95, 1.69),
    ('Ce', (255,255,199), 1.85, 1.69),
    ('Pr', (217,255,199), 2.47, 1.69),
    ('Nd', (199,255,199), 2.06, 1.69),
    ('Pm', (163,255,199), 2.05, 1.69),
    ('Sm', (143,255,199), 2.38, 1.69),
    ('Eu', ( 97,255,199), 2.31, 1.69),
    ('Gd', ( 69,255,199), 2.33, 1.69),
    ('Tb', ( 48,255,199), 2.25, 1.69),
    ('Dy', ( 31,255,199), 2.28, 1.69),
    ('Ho', (  0,255,156), 2.26, 1.69),
    ('Er', (  0,230,117), 2.26, 1.69),
    ('Tm', (  0,212, 82), 2.22, 1.69),
    ('Yb', (  0,191, 56), 2.22, 1.69),
    ('Lu', (  0,171, 36), 2.17, 1.60),
    ('Hf', ( 77,194,255), 2.08, 1.50),
    ('Ta', ( 77,166,255), 2.00, 1.38),
    ('W' , ( 33,148,214), 1.93, 1.46),
    ('Re', ( 38,125,171), 1.88, 1.59),
    ('Os', ( 38,102,150), 1.85, 1.28),
    ('Ir', ( 23, 84,135), 1.80, 1.37),
    ('Pt', (208,208,224), 1.77, 1.28),
    ('Au', (255,209, 35), 1.74, 1.44),
    ('Hg', (184,184,208), 1.71, 1.49),
    ('Tl', (166, 84, 77), 1.56, 1.48),
    ('Pb', ( 87, 89, 97), 1.54, 1.47),
    ('Bi', (158, 79,181), 1.43, 1.46),
    ('Po', (171, 92,  0), 1.35, 1.46),
    ('At', (117, 79, 69), 1.27, 1.46),
    ('Rn', ( 66,130,150), 1.20, 1.45),
    ('Fr', ( 66,  0,102), 1.20, 1.45),
    ('Ra', (  0,125,  0), 1.20, 1.45),
    ('Ac', (112,171,250), 1.95, 1.45),
    ('Th', (  0,186,255), 1.80, 1.45),
    ('Pa', (  0,161,255), 1.80, 1.45),
    ('U' , (  0,143,255), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Np', (  0,128,255), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Pu', (  0,107,255), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Am', ( 84, 92,242), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Cm', (120, 92,227), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Bk', (138, 79,227), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Cf', (161, 54,212), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Es', (179, 31,212), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Fm', (179, 31,186), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Md', (179, 13,166), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('No', (189, 13,135), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Lr', (199,  0,102), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Rf', (204,  0, 89), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Db', (209,  0, 79), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Sg', (217,  0, 69), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Bh', (224,  0, 56), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Hs', (230,  0, 46), 1.75, 1.45),
    ('Mt', (235,  0, 38), 1.75, 1.45),
__unknown_element__ = ('??', (0xA0,0xA0,0xA0), 1.75, 1.45)

__elements_name_lookup_table__ = dict((i[0].lower(), [n]+list(i)) for n, i in enumerate(__elements_table__))

def __fadeout_z__(color, z, mx, mn, strength, bg):
    alpha = min(max((z - mn)/(mx - mn)*strength,0),1)
    return (numpy.array(color, dtype = numpy.float64)*(1-alpha) + numpy.array(bg, dtype = numpy.float64)*alpha).astype(numpy.int64)
def __dark__(color, delta = 0.4):
    return (numpy.array(color, dtype = numpy.float64)*(1-delta)).astype(numpy.int64)
def __light__(color, delta = 0.4):
    return (255 - (255 - numpy.array(color, dtype = numpy.float64))*(1-delta)).astype(numpy.int64)
def __svg_color__(color):
    return "rgb({:d},{:d},{:d})".format(*color)
def __window__(p1,p2, window):
    inside = lambda x,y: (x>window[0]) and (y>window[1]) and (x<window[2]) and (y<window[3])
    if not inside(*p1):
        p1,p2 = p2,p1
    if not inside(*p1):
        return None, None

    if inside(*p2):
        return p1,p2
    if p2[0]<window[0] or p2[0]>window[2]:
        k = (p2[1]-p1[1])/(p2[0]-p1[0])
        b = p2[1] - k*p2[0]
        p2[0] = window[0] if p2[0]<window[0] else window[2]
        p2[1] = k*p2[0] + b
    if p2[1]<window[1] or p2[1]>window[3]:
        k = (p2[0]-p1[0])/(p2[1]-p1[1])
        b = p2[0] - k*p2[1]
        p2[1] = window[1] if p2[1]<window[1] else window[3]
        p2[0] = k*p2[1] + b
    return p1,p2
[docs]def svgwrite_unit_cell( cell, svg, camera = None, camera_top = None, insert = (0,0), size = (600,600), circle_size = 0.4, circle_opacity = None, margin = 6, show_cell = False, show_atoms = True, show_bonds = True, show_legend = True, show_numbers = False, fadeout_strength = 0.8, bg = (0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), bond_ratio = 1, hook_atomic_color = None, coordinates = 'right', invisible = None, title = None, ): """ Creates an svg drawing of a unit cell. Args: cell (UnitCell): the cell to be visualized; svg (str, svgwrite.Drawing): either file name to save the drawing to or an ``svgwrite.Drawing`` object to draw with. Kwargs: camera (str, array): the direction of a camera: either 'x','y' or 'z' or an arbitrary 3D vector; camera_top (array): a vector pointing up; insert (array): a top-left corner of the drawing; size (array): size of the bounding box; circle_size (float): size of the circles representing atoms, arbitrary units; circle_opacity (float,array): opacity of circles; margin (float): size of the margin in all directions; show_cell (bool, str): if True draws the unit cell edges projected, if 'invisible' the unit cell is invisible; show_atoms (bool): if True draws atoms; show_bonds (bool): if True draws bonds; show_legend (bool): if True draws legend; show_numbers (bool): if True shows numbers corresponding to the atomic order in the unit cell; fadeout_strength (float): amount of fadeout applied to more distant atoms; bg (array): an integer array defining background color; bond_ratio (float): scale factor to determine whether the bond is rendered; coordinates (str): the coordinate system, either 'left' or 'right'; hook_atomic_color (function): a function accepting integer (atom ID) and a 3-element list (suggested RGB color) and returning a new color of the atom; invisible (str,array): make specified atoms invisible. If 'auto' specified, creates a supercell and makes all cell replica invisible. The bonds of invisible atoms will still be present on the final image; title (str): a title to the drawing presented in the top left corner; Returns: An ```svgwrite.Drawing`` object. The object is saved if it was created inside this method. """ if invisible is None: visible = numpy.ones(cell.size(), dtype = bool) elif isinstance(invisible,str) and invisible == 'auto': N = cell.size() initial_cell = cell cell = cell.repeated(3,3,3) visible = numpy.array([False]*13*N+[True]*N+[False]*13*N, dtype = bool) else: visible = numpy.logical_not(invisible) insert = numpy.array(insert, dtype = numpy.float64) size = numpy.array(size, dtype = numpy.float64) if isinstance(svg, str): import svgwrite save = True svg = svgwrite.Drawing(svg, size = (size).tolist(), profile='tiny') else: save = False # Camera vector if camera is None: # Determine the largest face areas = list((numpy.cross(cell.vectors[(i+1)%3],cell.vectors[(i+2)%3])**2).sum() for i in range(3)) camera = "xyz"[numpy.argmax(areas)] try: camera = { "x": (-1,0,0), "y": (0,-1,0), "z": (0,0,-1), }[camera] except KeyError: pass camera = numpy.array(camera, dtype = numpy.float64) camera = camera / (camera**2).sum()**.5 # Camera top vector if camera_top is None: # Determine lattice vector with the longest projection proj = ((cell.vectors -, camera)[:,numpy.newaxis] * camera[numpy.newaxis,:])**2).sum(axis = -1) camera_top = numpy.cross(camera,cell.vectors[numpy.argmax(proj)]) else: camera_top = numpy.array(camera_top, dtype = numpy.float64) if numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(camera_top,camera)) == 0: raise ValueError("The 'camera' and 'camera_top' vectors cannot be collinear") # Calculate projection matrix camera_top /= (camera_top**2).sum()**.5 projection = Basis(( numpy.cross(camera, camera_top), camera_top, camera, )) # Project atomic coordinates onto the plane projected = projection.transform_from(cell, cell.coordinates) # Collect elements elements = tuple(__elements_name_lookup_table__[i.lower()] if i.lower() in __elements_name_lookup_table__ else (-1,) + __unknown_element__ for i in cell.values) e_color = tuple(i[2] for i in elements) e_size = numpy.array(tuple(i[3] for i in elements))*numericalunits.angstrom e_covsize = numpy.array(tuple(i[4] for i in elements))*numericalunits.angstrom # Determine boundaries b_min = numpy.min((projected - e_size[...,numpy.newaxis]*circle_size)[visible,:], axis = 0) b_max = numpy.max((projected + e_size[...,numpy.newaxis]*circle_size)[visible,:], axis = 0) if show_cell: # Project unit cell edges ... if isinstance(invisible,str) and invisible == 'auto': projected_edges = projection.transform_from_cartesian(initial_cell.edges()+initial_cell.vectors.sum(axis = 0)[numpy.newaxis,:]) else: projected_edges = projection.transform_from_cartesian(cell.edges()) # ... and modify boundaries b_min = numpy.minimum(b_min, projected_edges.reshape(-1, projected_edges.shape[-1]).min(axis = 0)) b_max = numpy.maximum(b_max, projected_edges.reshape(-1, projected_edges.shape[-1]).max(axis = 0)) center = 0.5*(b_min + b_max)[:2] scale = ((size-2*margin)/(b_max[:2]-b_min[:2])).min() shift = 0.5*(size-2*margin) - center*scale # Calculate base colors colors_base = tuple(__fadeout_z__(e_color[i], projected[i,2], b_max[2], b_min[2], fadeout_strength, bg) for i in range(cell.size())) if hook_atomic_color: if invisible != "auto": colors_base = tuple(hook_atomic_color(i,c) for i,c in enumerate(colors_base)) else: colors_base = colors_base[:13*N] + tuple(hook_atomic_color(i,c) for i,c in enumerate(colors_base[13*N:14*N])) + colors_base[14*N:] # Arrays for storing objects with z-index obj = [] obj_z = [] # Group holding the image group = svg.g() group.translate(*tuple(insert)) svg.add(group) # BG if not bg is None: group.add(svg.rect( insert = (0,0), size = size, fill = __svg_color__(bg), )) # Subgroup with atoms etc subgroup = svg.g() group.add(subgroup) if coordinates == 'left': subgroup.translate(margin,margin) elif coordinates == 'right': subgroup.scale(1.0,-1.0) subgroup.translate(margin,-size[1]+margin) else: raise ValueError("Parameter 'coordinates' should be either 'left' or 'right'") if show_cell == True: # Draw unit cell edges for pair in projected_edges: obj.append(svg.line( start = pair[0][:2]*scale+shift, end = pair[1][:2]*scale+shift, stroke = "black", opacity = 0.1, stroke_width = 0.01*max(*size), )) obj_z.append(0.5*(pair[0,2] + pair[1,2])) if show_atoms: # Draw circles for i in range(cell.size()): if visible[i]: radius = e_size[i]*scale*circle_size g = svg.g() g.translate(*tuple(projected[i,:2]*scale+shift)) if coordinates == 'right': g.scale(1.0,-1.0) circle = center = (0,0), r = radius, fill = __svg_color__(colors_base[i]), stroke = __svg_color__(__dark__(colors_base[i])), stroke_width = 0.1*radius, ) if not circle_opacity is None: if isinstance(circle_opacity, (int, float)): circle.fill(opacity = circle_opacity) circle.stroke(opacity = circle_opacity) else: circle.fill(opacity = circle_opacity[i]) circle.stroke(opacity = circle_opacity[i]) g.add(circle) if show_numbers: g.add(svg.text(str(i), insert = (0,radius/4), fill = __svg_color__(__dark__(colors_base[i])), text_anchor = "middle", font_size = radius, )) obj.append(g) obj_z.append(projected[i,2]) d = cell.distances() if show_bonds: # Draw lines for i in range(d.shape[0]): for j in range(i,d.shape[1]): if (visible[i] or visible[j]) and (d[i,j]<(e_covsize[i]+e_covsize[j])*bond_ratio) and (d[i,j]>(e_size[i]+e_size[j])*circle_size): unit = projected[j] - projected[i] unit = unit / ((unit**2).sum())**0.5 if show_atoms: start = (projected[i,:2]+unit[:2]*e_size[i]*circle_size)*scale + shift end = (projected[j,:2]-unit[:2]*e_size[j]*circle_size)*scale + shift else: start = projected[i,:2]*scale + shift end = projected[j,:2]*scale + shift start,end = __window__(start,end,(0,0,size[0]-2*margin,size[1]-2*margin)) if not start is None: obj.append(svg.line( start = start, end = end, stroke = __svg_color__(__dark__((colors_base[i] + colors_base[j])/2)), stroke_width = scale*(e_size[i]+e_size[j])*circle_size/5, )) obj_z.append((projected[j,2] + projected[i,2])/2) order = numpy.argsort(obj_z) for i in order[::-1]: subgroup.add(obj[i]) if show_legend: unique = [] for i in elements: if not i in unique: unique.append(i) __legend_margin__ = 10 __box_size__ = 30 __text_baseline__ = 5 __text_size__ = 18 __i_size__ = 10 __i_x__ = 7 __i_y__ = 10 x = size[0] - (__legend_margin__ + __box_size__)*len(unique) y = __legend_margin__ for i, e in enumerate(sorted(unique)): xx = x + (__legend_margin__ + __box_size__)*i yy = y color_1 = __dark__(e[2], delta = 0.8) if sum(e[2])>0x180 else __light__(e[2], delta = 0.8) group.add(svg.rect( insert = (xx,yy), size = (__box_size__, __box_size__), fill = __svg_color__(e[2]), stroke_width = 2, stroke = __svg_color__(color_1), rx = 2, ry = 2, )) group.add(svg.text(str(e[0]+1), insert = (xx + __i_x__,yy + __i_y__), fill = __svg_color__(color_1), text_anchor = "middle", font_size = __i_size__, )) group.add(svg.text(e[1], insert = (xx + __box_size__/2,yy + __box_size__ - __text_baseline__), fill = __svg_color__(color_1), text_anchor = "middle", font_size = __text_size__, )) if not title is None: __text_margin__ = 10 __text_baseline__ = 35 __text_size__ = 18 group.add(svg.text(title, insert = (__text_margin__,__text_baseline__), fill = "black", text_anchor = "start", font_size = __text_size__, font_family = "monospace", )) if save: return svg
def __guess_energy_range__(cell, bands = 10, window = 0.05): """ Attempts to guess the energy range of interest. Args: cell (UnitCell): cell with the band structure; Kwargs: bands (int): number of bands to focus; window (float): relative size of the gaps below and above selected energy range; Returns: A tuple with the energy range. """ if "Fermi" in cell.meta and cell.values.shape[1] > bands: minimas = cell.values.min(axis = 0) maximas = cell.values.max(axis = 0) top = numpy.argsort(numpy.maximum( numpy.abs(minimas - cell.meta["Fermi"]), numpy.abs(maximas - cell.meta["Fermi"]), )) global_min = minimas[top[:bands]].min() global_max = maximas[top[:bands]].max() return numpy.array(( ((1+window)*global_min - window*global_max), ((1+window)*global_max - window*global_min), )) else: return numpy.array((cell.values.min(), cell.values.max()))
[docs]def matplotlib_bands( cell, axes, show_fermi = True, energy_range = None, energy_units = "eV", energy_units_name = None, coordinate_units = None, coordinate_units_name = None, threshold = 1e-2, weights = None, weights_color = None, weights_size = None, optimize_visible = False, edge_names = [], mark_points = None, project = None, **kwargs ): """ Plots basic band structure using pyplot. Args: cell (UnitCell): cell with the band structure; axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): axes to plot on; Kwargs: show_fermi (bool): shows the Fermi level if specified; energy_range (array): 2 floats defining plot energy range. The units of energy are defined by the ``units`` keyword; energy_units (str, float): either a field from ``numericalunits`` package or a float with energy units; energy_units_name (str): a string used for the units. Used only if the ``energy_units`` keyword is a float; coordinate_units (str, float): either a field from ``numericalunits`` package or a float with coordinate units or None; coordinate_units_name (str): a string used for the coordinate units. Used only if the ``coordinate_units`` keyword is a float; threshold (float): threshold for determining edges of k point path; weights, weights_color (array): a 2D array with weights on the band structure which will be converted to color according to current colormap; weights_size (array): a 2D array with weights on the band structure which will be converted to line thickness; optimize_visible (bool): draw only visible lines; edge_names (list): the edges names to appear on the band structure; mark_points (list): marks specific points on the band structure, the first number in each list element is interpreted as k-point while the second number is band number; project (array): projects k-points along specified direction instead of unfolding the entire bands path. If ``coordinate_units`` specified the direction is expressed in the unit cell vectors, otherwise cartesian basis is used; The rest of kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.collections.LineCollection``. Returns: A plotted LineCollection. """ from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection if not weights is None and not (cell.values.shape == weights.shape): raise TypeError("The shape of 'weights' {} is different from the shape of band structure data {}".format(weights.shape, cell.values.shape)) if not weights_color is None and not (cell.values.shape == weights_color.shape): raise TypeError("The shape of 'weights_color' {} is different from the shape of band structure data {}".format(weights_color.shape, cell.values.shape)) if not weights_size is None and not (cell.values.shape == weights_size.shape): raise TypeError("The shape of 'weights_size' {} is different from the shape of band structure data {}".format(weights_size.shape, cell.values.shape)) if not weights is None and weights_color is None: weights_color = weights if isinstance(energy_units, str): energy_units_name = energy_units energy_units = getattr(numericalunits, energy_units) if isinstance(coordinate_units, str): coordinate_units_name = coordinate_units coordinate_units = getattr(numericalunits, coordinate_units) # Set energy range if energy_range is None: energy_range = __guess_energy_range__(cell)/energy_units # Fold K points to 0- > 1 line or project if not project is None: __ = {"kx":0, "ky":1, "kz":2} if project in __.keys(): x_label = project v = [0] * cell.vectors.shape[0] v[__[project]] = 1 project = v else: x_label = ("("+(",".join(("{:.2f}",)*len(project)))+") direction").format(*project) project = numpy.array(project, dtype = numpy.float) project /= (project**2).sum()**.5 if coordinate_units is None: kpoints =,project) else: kpoints =,project) / coordinate_units else: x_label = None kpoints = cell.distances((0,)+tuple(range(cell.size()))) for i in range(1,kpoints.shape[0]): kpoints[i] += kpoints[i-1] if coordinate_units is None: kpoints /= kpoints[-1] else: kpoints /= coordinate_units if not coordinate_units_name is None: if x_label is None: x_label = "("+coordinate_units_name+")" else: x_label += " ("+coordinate_units_name+")" # Find location of edges on the K axis makes_turn = numpy.abs(1.+cell.angles(range(cell.size())))>threshold makes_turn = numpy.concatenate([[True], makes_turn, [True]]) edges = kpoints[makes_turn] # Plot edges if project is None: for e in edges[1:-1]: axes.axvline(x=e,color='black',linewidth = 0.5) # Get continious parts continious = numpy.logical_not(makes_turn[1:]*makes_turn[:-1]) # Get the segments to draw visible_segment = continious[:,numpy.newaxis]*numpy.ones((1,cell.values.shape[1]), dtype = numpy.bool) # Optimize visible segments if optimize_visible: visible_point = numpy.logical_and(cell.values/energy_units > energy_range[0], cell.values/energy_units < energy_range[1]) visible_segment = numpy.logical_and( numpy.logical_or(visible_point[:-1,:],visible_point[1:,:]), visible_segment ) # Prepare LineCollection segment_sets = [] for i in range(cell.values.shape[1]): points = numpy.array([kpoints, cell.values[:,i]/energy_units]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = numpy.concatenate([points[:-1][visible_segment[:,i]], points[1:][visible_segment[:,i]]], axis=1) segment_sets.append(segments) segments = numpy.concatenate(segment_sets,axis = 0) if not "colors" in kwargs: kwargs.update(next(axes._get_lines.prop_cycler)) lc = LineCollection(segments, **kwargs) # Weights for array, target in ((weights_color, lc.set_array), (weights_size, lc.set_linewidth)): if not array is None: array = numpy.swapaxes(0.5*(array[1:,:]+array[:-1,:]),0,1) array = array[numpy.swapaxes(visible_segment,0,1)] target(array) # Plot bands axes.add_collection(lc) # Mark points if not mark_points is None: mark_points = numpy.array(mark_points) axes.scatter( list(kpoints[i] for i,j in mark_points), list(cell.values[i,j]/energy_units for i,j in mark_points), marker = "+", s = 50, ) # Plot Fermi energy if show_fermi and "Fermi" in cell.meta: axes.axhline(y = cell.meta["Fermi"]/energy_units, color='black', ls = "--", lw = 0.5) axes.set_ylim(energy_range) axes.set_xlim((kpoints.min(),kpoints.max())) if not x_label is None: axes.set_xlabel(x_label) if project is None: axes.set_xticks(edges) axes.set_xticklabels(list( edge_names[i] if i<len(edge_names) else " ".join(("{:.2f}",)*cell.coordinates.shape[1]).format(*cell.coordinates[makes_turn,:][i]) for i in range(makes_turn.sum()) )) if not energy_units_name is None: axes.set_ylabel('Energy ({})'.format(energy_units_name)) else: axes.set_ylabel('Energy') return lc
[docs]def matplotlib_bands_density( cell, axes, energies, show_fermi = True, energy_range = None, units = "eV", units_name = None, weights = None, on_top_of = None, use_fill = False, orientation = "landscape", gaussian_spread = None, method = "default", **kwargs ): """ Plots density of bands (density of states). The cell values are considered to be band energies. Args: cell (Grid,UnitCell): a unit cell with the band structure, possibly on the grid; axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): axes to plot on; energies (int,array): energies to calculate density at. The integer value has the meaning of number of points to cover the range ``energy_range``. Otherwise the units of energy are defined by the ``units`` keyword; Kwargs: show_fermi (bool): shows the Fermi level if specified; energy_range (array): 2 floats defining plot energy range. The units of energy are defined by the ``units`` keyword; units (str, float): either a field from ``numericalunits`` package or a float with energy units; units_name (str): a string used for the units. Used only if the ``units`` keyword is a float; weights (array): a 2D array with weights on the band structure; on_top_of (array): a 2D array with weights on the band structure to plot on top of; use_fill (bool): fill the area below plot; orientation (str): either 'portrait' or 'landscape' - orientation of the plot; gaussian_spread (float): the gaussian spread for the density of states. This value is used only if the provided ``cell`` is not a Grid; method (bool): method to calculate density: 'default', 'gaussian' or 'optimal'; The rest of kwargs are passed to pyplot plotting functions. Returns: A plotted Line2D or a PolyCollection, depending on ``use_fill``. """ if not orientation == "portrait" and not orientation == "landscape": raise ValueError("Unknown orientation: {}".format(orientation)) if isinstance(units, str): units_name = units units = getattr(numericalunits, units) # Set energy range if energy_range is None: energy_range = __guess_energy_range__(cell)/units if isinstance(energies, int): energies = numpy.linspace(energy_range[0], energy_range[1], energies) else: energies = numpy.array(energies, dtype = numpy.float64) if weights is None: weights = 1 if not isinstance(weights, numpy.ndarray): weights = weights*numpy.ones(cell.values.shape, dtype = numpy.float64) if on_top_of is None: on_top_of = numpy.zeros(cell.values.shape, dtype = numpy.float64) # Try converting to grid if isinstance(cell, UnitCell) and method == 'optimal': grid = cell.as_grid() if grid.size() == cell.size(): cell = grid weights = numpy.reshape(weights, grid.values.shape) on_top_of = numpy.reshape(on_top_of, grid.values.shape) # Calculate DoS using tetrahedron method ... if isinstance(cell, Grid) and not method == 'gaussian': data = cell.tetrahedron_density(energies*units, resolved = False, weights = weights) data_baseline = cell.tetrahedron_density(energies*units, resolved = False, weights = on_top_of) # ... or Gaussian else: if gaussian_spread is None: gaussian_spread = (energies.max() - energies.min())/len(energies) _values = cell.values.reshape(-1)[numpy.newaxis,:] _weights = weights.reshape(-1)[numpy.newaxis,:] _on_top_of = on_top_of.reshape(-1)[numpy.newaxis,:] _energies = energies[:,numpy.newaxis]*units _A = -0.5/(gaussian_spread*units)**2 _B = 1/(2*math.pi)**0.5/(gaussian_spread*units) data = (_B*_weights*numpy.exp(_A*(_values-_energies)**2)).sum(axis = -1)/cell.size() data_baseline = (_B*_on_top_of*numpy.exp(_A*(_values-_energies)**2)).sum(axis = -1)/cell.size() data += data_baseline data *= units data_baseline *= units kwargs.update(next(axes._get_lines.prop_cycler)) if orientation == "portrait": if use_fill: plot = axes.fill_betweenx(energies, data, data_baseline, **kwargs) else: plot = axes.plot(data,energies,**kwargs) if "Fermi" in cell.meta and show_fermi: axes.axhline(y = cell.meta["Fermi"]/units, color='black', ls = "--", lw = 0.5) axes.set_ylim(energy_range) if not units_name is None: axes.set_xlabel('Density (bands per {})'.format(units_name)) axes.set_ylabel('Energy ({})'.format(units_name)) else: axes.set_xlabel('Density') axes.set_ylabel('Energy') elif orientation == "landscape": if use_fill: plot = axes.fill_between(energies, data, data_baseline, **kwargs) else: plot = axes.plot(energies,data,**kwargs) if "Fermi" in cell.meta and show_fermi: axes.axvline(x = cell.meta["Fermi"]/units, color='black', ls = "--", lw = 0.5) axes.set_xlim(energy_range) if not units_name is None: axes.set_ylabel('Density (bands per {})'.format(units_name)) axes.set_xlabel('Energy ({})'.format(units_name)) else: axes.set_ylabel('Density') axes.set_xlabel('Energy') return plot
[docs]def matplotlib_scalar( grid, axes, origin, plane, units = "angstrom", units_name = None, show_cell = False, normalize = True, ppu = None, isolines = None, window = None, margins = 0.1, scale_bar = None, scale_bar_location = 1, **kwargs ): """ Plots scalar values on the grid using imshow. Args: grid (Grid): a 3D grid to be plotted; axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): axes to plot on; origin (array): origin of the 2D slice to be plotted in the units of ``grid``; plane (str, int): the plotting plane: either 'x','y' or 'z' or a correspondint int. Kwargs: units (str, float): either a field from ``numericalunits`` package or a float with energy units; units_name (str): a string used for the units. Used only if the ``units`` keyword is a float; show_cell (bool): if True then projected unit cell boundaries are shown on the final image; normalize (bool): normalize data before plotting such that the minimum is set at zero and the maximum is equal to one; ppu (float): points per ``unit`` for the raster image; isolines (array): plot isolines at the specified levels; window (array): 4 values representing a window to plot the data: minimum and maximum 'x' coordinate and minimum and maximum 'y' coordinate; margins (float): adds margins to the grid where the data is interpolated; scale_bar (int): adds a scal bar to the image at the specified location; scale_bar_location (int): location of the scale bar; The rest of kwargs are passed to ``pyplot.imshow`` or ``pyplot.contour``. Returns: A ``matplotlib.image.AxesImage`` plotted. """ if not grid.vectors.shape[0] == 3: raise TypeError("A {:d}D grid found, required 3D".format(grid.vectors.shape[0])) if isinstance(units, str): units_name = units units = getattr(numericalunits, units) origin = grid.transform_to_cartesian(origin)[numpy.newaxis,:] plane = __xyz2i__(plane) otherVectors = list(range(3)) del otherVectors[plane] # Build a rotated cartesian basis v1 = grid.vectors[otherVectors][0] v3 = grid.vectors[plane] v2 = numpy.cross(v3,v1) basis = Basis((v1,v2,v3)) basis.vectors /= ((basis.vectors**2).sum(axis = -1)**.5)[:,numpy.newaxis] # Calculate in-plane coordinates of the grid edges edges_inplane = basis.transform_from_cartesian(grid.vertices() - origin) if window is None: mn = edges_inplane.min(axis = 0) mx = edges_inplane.max(axis = 0) else: mn = numpy.array((window[0],window[2]))*units mx = numpy.array((window[1],window[3]))*units # Margins mn_a, mx_a = mn,mx mn,mx = mn*(1+margins) + mx*(-margins), mn*(-margins) + mx*(1+margins) if ppu is None: ppu = (grid.size() / grid.volume())**(1./3) else: ppu /= units # In-plane grid size: px, py px = int(round((mx[0]-mn[0])*ppu)) py = int(round((mx[1]-mn[1])*ppu)) if px*py == 0: raise ValueError("The data is too sparse: the suggested ppu is {:e} points per {:s} while grid dimensions are {:e} and {:e} {:s}. Please set the ppu parameter manually".format( ppu * units, units_name, (mx[0]-mn[0])/units, (mx[1]-mn[1])/units, units_name, )) # In-plane grid spacing: dx, dy dx = (mx[0]-mn[0]) / px dy = (mx[0]-mn[0]) / py # Build an inplane grid x = numpy.linspace(mn[0]+dx/2,mx[0]-dx/2,px) y = numpy.linspace(mn[1]+dy/2,mx[1]-dy/2,py) mg = numpy.meshgrid(x, y, (0,), indexing='ij') dims = mg[0].shape[:2] points_inplane = numpy.concatenate(tuple(i[...,numpy.newaxis] for i in mg), axis = len(mg)).reshape(-1,3) # Convert to lattice coordinates of the initial grid points_cartesian = basis.transform_to_cartesian(points_inplane) + origin points_lattice = grid.transform_from_cartesian(points_cartesian) # Interpolate if isinstance(grid, Grid): interpolated = grid.interpolate_to_cell(points_lattice) else: interpolated = grid.interpolate(points_lattice) if isolines is None: interpolated.values = numpy.sum(interpolated.values, axis = tuple(range(1,len(interpolated.values.shape)))) if normalize: interpolated.values -= interpolated.values.min() interpolated.values /= interpolated.values.max() image = axes.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(interpolated.values.reshape(*dims),0,1), extent = [ mn[0]/units, mx[0]/units, mn[1]/units, mx[1]/units, ], origin = "lower", **kwargs) else: values = numpy.swapaxes(numpy.reshape(interpolated.values, (x.size, y.size, -1)),0,1) lmax = max(isolines) lmin = min(isolines) for i in range(values.shape[-1]): if values[...,i].min() < lmax and values[...,i].max() > lmin: image = axes.contour(x/units,y/units,values[...,i],isolines, **kwargs) axes.set_aspect('equal') if show_cell: edges = basis.transform_from_cartesian(grid.edges() - origin)/units for e in edges: axes.plot([e[0,0],e[1,0]],[e[0,1],e[1,1]], color = "black") axes.set_xlim([mn_a[0]/units,mx_a[0]/units]) axes.set_ylim([mn_a[1]/units,mx_a[1]/units]) if not units_name is None: axes.set_xlabel("x ({})".format(units_name)) axes.set_ylabel("y ({})".format(units_name)) else: axes.set_xlabel("x") axes.set_ylabel("y") if not scale_bar is None: from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle t1 = axes.transData t2 = axes.transAxes t = t2-t1 if scale_bar_location == 1: x,y = .9,.9 w,h = -1,-.05 elif scale_bar_location == 2: x,y = .1,.9 w,h = 1,-.05 elif scale_bar_location == 3: x,y = .1,.1 w,h = 1,.05 elif scale_bar_location == 4: x,y = .9, .1 w,h = -1,.05 else: raise ValueError("Unknown location for the scale bar: {:r}".format(scale_bar_location)) ((x,y),(_,h)) = t.transform(((x,y),(w,y+h))) h -= y w = (scale_bar / units)*w axes.add_patch(Rectangle((x,y),w,h,color = 'white')) return image
[docs]def matplotlib2svgwrite(fig, svg, insert, size, **kwargs): """ Saves a matplotlib image to an existing svgwrite object. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): a figure to save; svg (svgwrite.Drawing): an svg drawing to save to; insert (tuple): a tuple of ints defining destination to insert a drawing; size (tuple): size of the inserted image; Kwargs: The kwargs are passed to ``fig.savefig`` used to print the plot. """ image_bin = StringIO() fig.savefig(image_bin, format = "png", **kwargs) image_str = "data:image/png;base64,"+base64.b64encode(image_bin.buf) svg.add(svg.image(image_str, insert = insert, size = size, ))