Source code for dfttools.formatters

This submodule contains routines presenting data (unit cell) in various
text formats.
import struct

import numpy
from numericalunits import angstrom

from dfttools.types import __angle__
from dfttools.presentation import __elements_name_lookup_table__

def __xsf_structure__(cell, tag = None, indent = 4):
    indent = " "*indent
    cell_vectors = ((indent+" {:14.10f}"*3+"\n")*3).format(*numpy.reshape(cell.vectors/angstrom,-1))
    cartesian = cell.cartesian()/angstrom
    coords = ''.join(
        (indent+'{:>2} {:14.10f} {:14.10f} {:14.10f}\n'.format(cell.values[i],cartesian[i,0],cartesian[i,1],cartesian[i,2]))
        for i in range(cell.size())
    if tag is None:
        tag = ''
        tag = ' '+tag
    return ('CRYSTAL\nPRIMVEC{}\n'+cell_vectors+'CONVVEC{}\n'+cell_vectors+'PRIMCOORD{}\n{:d} 1\n' + coords).format(
        tag, tag, tag, cell.size()

[docs]def xsf_structure(*cells): """ Generates an `xcrysden <>`_ file with the structure. Args: cells (list): unit cells with atomic coordinates; Returns: A string contating XSF-formatted data. """ if len(cells) == 1: return __xsf_structure__(cells[0]) answer = "ANIMSTEPS %i\n\n" % len(cells) for i in range(len(cells)): answer += __xsf_structure__(cells[i],tag = str(i+1)) if not i == len(cells): answer += '\n' return answer
[docs]def xsf_grid(grid, cell, npl = 6): """ Generates an `xcrysden <>`_ file with the data on the grid. Args: grid (Grid): data on the grid; cell (UnitCell): structural data; Kwargs: npl (int): numbers per line in the grid section; Returns: A string contating XSF-formatted data. """ result = __xsf_structure__(cell) result += "BEGIN_BLOCK_DATAGRID_3D\ndfttools.formatter\nDATAGRID_3D_UNKNOWN\n" result += " ".join(("{:d}",)*3).format(*(numpy.array(grid.values.shape)+1)) + "\n0 0 0\n" result += ((" {:14.10f}"*3+"\n")*3).format(*numpy.reshape(grid.vectors/angstrom,-1)) l = grid.values l = numpy.concatenate((l,l[0:1,:,:]), axis = 0) l = numpy.concatenate((l,l[:,0:1,:]), axis = 1) l = numpy.concatenate((l,l[:,:,0:1]), axis = 2) l = l.reshape(-1, order = 'F') for i in range(l.shape[0]/npl): result += " ".join(("{:e}",)*npl).format(*l[i*npl:(i+1)*npl])+"\n" rest = l.shape[0] - (i+1)*npl result += " ".join(("{:e}",)*rest).format(*l[i*npl:])+"\n" result += "END_DATAGRID_3D\nEND_BLOCK_DATAGRID_3D\n" return result
[docs]def qe_input(cell = None, relax_triggers = 0, parameters = {}, inline_parameters = {}, pseudopotentials = {}, indent = 4): """ Generates Quantum Espresso input file. Kwargs: cell (UnitCell): a unit cell with atomic coordinates; relax_triggers (array,int): array with triggers for relaxation written asadditional columns in the input file; parameters (dict): parameters for the input file; inline_parameters (dict): a dict of inline parameters such as ``crystal_b``, etc; pseudopotentials (dict): a dict of pseudopotential file names; indent (int): size of indent; Returns: String contating Quantum Espresso input file contents. """ indent = ' '*indent # Parameters to an upper case parameters = dict((k.upper(), parameters[k]) for k in parameters) inline_parameters = dict((k.upper(), inline_parameters[k]) for k in inline_parameters) if not cell is None: # Relax_triggers to array if isinstance(relax_triggers, int): relax_triggers = ((relax_triggers,)*3,)*cell.size() elif len(relax_triggers) == cell.size() and isinstance(relax_triggers[0], int): relax_triggers = [(i,i,i) for i in relax_triggers] if not "&SYSTEM" in parameters: parameters["&SYSTEM"] = {} parameters["&SYSTEM"].update({ "ibrav" : 0, "ntyp" : len(cell.species()), "nat" : cell.size(), }) # Unit cell parameters["CELL_PARAMETERS"] = "\n".join((indent + "{:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e}",)*3).format(*numpy.reshape(cell.vectors/angstrom,-1)) inline_parameters["CELL_PARAMETERS"] = "angstrom" # Atomic coordinates parameters["ATOMIC_POSITIONS"] = "\n".join( "{indent}{name:>2s} {x:16.14f} {y:16.14f} {z:16.14f} {fx:d} {fy:d} {fz:d}".format( indent = indent, name = cell.values[i], x = cell.coordinates[i,0], y = cell.coordinates[i,1], z = cell.coordinates[i,2], fx = relax_triggers[i][0], fy = relax_triggers[i][1], fz = relax_triggers[i][2], ) for i in range(cell.values.shape[0]) ) inline_parameters["ATOMIC_POSITIONS"] = "crystal" # Pseudopotentials parameters["ATOMIC_SPECIES"] = "\n".join( "{indent}{name:2s} {data:s}".format( indent = indent, name = s, data = pseudopotentials[s], ) for s in cell.species() ) # Ordering of sections def qe_order(a): order = { "&CONTROL":0, "&SYSTEM":1, "&ELECTRONS":2, "&IONS":3, "&CELL":4, "ATOMIC_SPECIES":5, "CELL_PARAMETERS":6, "ATOMIC_POSITIONS":7, } return order[a[0]] if a[0] in order else 1000 # Compose everything result = "" for section, data in sorted(parameters.items(), key = qe_order): result += section if section in inline_parameters: result += " "+inline_parameters[section] result += "\n" if isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in sorted(data.items()): if isinstance(value, bool): value = ".true." if value else ".false." elif isinstance(value, int): value = "{:d}".format(value) elif isinstance(value, float): value = "{:e}".format(value) elif isinstance(value, str): value = "'{}'".format(value) else: raise ValueError("Unknown data type {}".format(type(value))) result += indent+key+" = "+value+"\n" elif isinstance(data, str): result += data if section[0] == "&": result += "/\n" else: result += "\n" return result
[docs]def siesta_input(cell, indent = 4): """ Generates Siesta minimal input file with atomic structure. Args: cell (UnitCell): input unit cell; Kwargs: indent (int): size of indent; Returns: String with Siesta input file contents. """ indent = ' '*indent species = cell.species().keys() section_csl = "\n".join(tuple( indent + "{:d} {:d} {}".format(i+1, __elements_name_lookup_table__[s.lower()][0], s) for i, s in enumerate(species) )) section_ac = "\n".join(tuple( indent + "{:16.14f} {:16.14f} {:16.14f} {:d}".format( cell.coordinates[i,0], cell.coordinates[i,1], cell.coordinates[i,2], species.index(cell.values[i]), ) for i in range(cell.size()) )) section_lv = "\n".join(tuple( indent + "{:e} {:e} {:e}".format(*v/angstrom) for v in cell.vectors )) return """NumberOfAtoms {anum:d} NumberOfSpecies {snum:d} LatticeConstant 1 Ang %block LatticeVectors {section_lv} %endblock LatticeVectors %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel {section_csl} %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel AtomicCoordinatesFormat Fractional %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies {section_ac} %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies""".format( anum = cell.size(), snum = len(species), section_lv = section_lv, section_csl = section_csl, section_ac = section_ac, )
[docs]def openmx_input(cell, populations, l = None, r = None, tolerance = 1e-10, indent = 4): """ Generates OpenMX minimal input file with atomic structure. Args: cell (UnitCell): input unit cell; populations (dict): a dict with initial electronic populations data; Kwargs: l (UnitCell): left lead; r (UnitCell): right lead; tolerance (float): tolerance for checking whether left-center-right unit cells can be stacked; indent (int): size of indent; Returns: String with OpenMX input file formatted data. """ indent = ' '*indent left = l right = r if not left is None and not right is None: target = left.stack(cell, right, vector = 'x', tolerance = tolerance) frac = False elif left is None and right is None: target = cell frac = True else: raise ValueError("Only one of 'left' and 'right' unit cells specified") c = target.cartesian()/angstrom v = target.values result = """Atoms.Number {anum:d} Species.Number {snum:d} """.format(anum = cell.size(), snum = len(target.species())) if frac: result += """ Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit Ang <Atoms.UnitVectors """ + ( "\n".join(tuple( "{indent}{:.15e} {:.15e} {:.15e}".format(*v, indent = indent) for v in target.vectors/angstrom )) ) +""" Atoms.UnitVectors> """ def __coords__(fr, num, frac = False): _c_ = c if not frac else target.coordinates return "\n".join(tuple( "{indent}{:3d} {:>2s} {:.15e} {:.15e} {:.15e} {}".format( i+1, v[n], _c_[n,0], _c_[n,1], _c_[n,2], populations[v[n]], indent = indent, ) for i, n in enumerate(range(fr, fr+num)) )) offset = left.size() if not frac else 0 result += """ Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit {} <Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates """.format("frac" if frac else "ang") + __coords__(offset, cell.size(),frac = frac) + """ Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates> """ if not left is None: result += """ LeftLeadAtoms.Number {anum:d}""".format(anum = left.size())+""" <LeftLeadAtoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates """ + __coords__(0, left.size()) + """ LeftLeadAtoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates> """ if not right is None: offset += cell.size() result += """ RightLeadAtoms.Number {anum:d}""".format(anum = right.size())+""" <RightLeadAtoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates """ + __coords__(offset, right.size()) + """ RightLeadAtoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates> """ return result
[docs]def pyscf_cell(cell, **kwargs): """ Constructs a unit cell object in pyscf. Args: cell (UnitCell): a unit cell object to convert from; Kwargs are passed to pyscf.pbc.gto.M. Returns: A Pyscf Cell object. """ from pyscf.pbc.gto import Cell if not "unit" in kwargs: kwargs["unit"] = "Angstrom" if kwargs["unit"] == "Angstrom": geometry = zip(cell.values, cell.cartesian() / angstrom) vectors = cell.vectors / angstrom elif kwargs["unit"] == "Bohr": geometry = zip(cell.values, cell.cartesian() / aBohr) vectors = cell.vectors / aBohr kwargs['atom'] = geometry kwargs['a'] = vectors kwargs['dimension'] = 3 c = Cell() for k,v in kwargs.items(): setattr(c,k,v) return c