Source code for dfttools.parsers.elk

Parsing `ELK <>`_ files.
import math
import re

import numpy
import numericalunits

from .generic import parse, cre_nonspace, cre_float, cre_word, AbstractParser
from ..simple import band_structure, unit_cell
from ..types import UnitCell, Basis
from . import default_real_space_basis

[docs]class UnitCellsParser(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing elk GEOMETRY_OPT.OUT. Args: data (string): contents of GEOMETRY_OPT.OUT file """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "! Lattice and atomic position optimisation steps" in header @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name == "GEOMETRY_OPT.OUT" def __tosection__(self, section): kw = re.compile(r'\b'+section+r'\b') self.parser.skip(kw) self.parser.nextLine() def __next_unit_cell__(self): try: self.__tosection__('scale') scale = [self.parser.nextFloat()*numericalunits.aBohr]*3 except StopIteration: scale = [numericalunits.aBohr]*3 self.parser.pop() for i in range(3): try: self.__tosection__('scale{:d}'.format(i+1)) scale[i] = self.parser.nextFloat()*numericalunits.aBohr except StopIteration: pass self.parser.pop() self.__tosection__('avec') vectors = self.parser.nextFloat(n = (3,3)) * numpy.array(scale)[:,numpy.newaxis] self.parser.pop() self.__tosection__('atoms') n_sp = self.parser.nextInt() self.parser.nextLine() coordinates = [] values = [] for s in range(n_sp): self.parser.skip('\'') name = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) self.parser.nextLine() n_at = self.parser.nextInt() self.parser.nextLine() coordinates.append(self.parser.nextFloat(n = (n_at, 6))[:,:3]) values = values + [name]*n_at return UnitCell( default_real_space_basis(vectors), numpy.concatenate(coordinates, axis = 0), values, ) @unit_cell
[docs] def unitCells(self): """ Retrives the geometry optimization steps as unit cells. Returns: An array with unit cells. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while True: try: result.append(self.__next_unit_cell__()) except StopIteration: break return result
[docs]class Input(UnitCellsParser): """ Class for parsing input file. Args: data (string): contents of file """ @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name == "" @staticmethod def valid_header(header): l = header.lower() return "avec" in l and "atoms" in l and "ngridk" in l # Non need to place @unit_cell here: inherits UnitCellsParser.unitCells()
[docs] def unitCell(self): """ Retrieves the unit cell specified in the input file. Returns: The unit cell with atomic positions. """ self.parser.reset() return self.__next_unit_cell__()
[docs] def kp_path(self, basis = None): """ Calculates k-point path from input and returns it as an array of crystal coordinates. Kwargs: basis (Basis): a reciprocal basis for the k-vectors. Returns: An array of k-point coordinates in reciprocal basis. """ self.parser.reset() if basis is None: basis = self.__next_unit_cell__().reciprocal() # Read data from input self.parser.skip('plot1d\n') nodes = self.parser.nextInt() points = self.parser.nextInt() self.parser.nextLine() nodes = self.parser.nextFloat(n = (nodes, 3)) # Calculate path lengths nodes_c = basis.transform_to_cartesian(nodes) path_dst = numpy.cumsum( ( (nodes_c[1:] - nodes_c[:-1])**2 ).sum(axis = 1) ) # Calculate positions of kpoints on the path kp_on_path = numpy.linspace(0,path_dst[-1],points) # Calculate coordinates of kpoints coordinates = [] for d in kp_on_path: # Determine the segment j j = numpy.searchsorted(path_dst, d) fraction = (path_dst[j] - d)/(path_dst[j] - (path_dst[j-1] if j>0 else 0)) coordinates.append(nodes[j,:]*fraction + nodes[j+1,:]*(1-fraction)) return numpy.array(coordinates)
[docs]class Output(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing INFO.OUT of elk output. Args: data (string): contents of INFO.OUT file """ @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name == "INFO.OUT" @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "+----------------------------+" in header and "Elk version" in header @unit_cell
[docs] def unitCell(self): """ Retrieves the unit cell. Returns: A Cell object with atomic coordinates. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip('Lattice vectors :') vecs = self.parser.nextFloat(n = (3,3))*numericalunits.aBohr n = self.parser.intAfter('Total number of atoms per unit cell :') n_read = 0 coordinates = [] values = [] while n_read<n: self.parser.skip('Species :') self.parser.nextInt() name = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_nonspace)[1:-1] self.parser.skip('atomic positions (lattice)') self.parser.nextLine() coords = self.parser.nextFloat(n = '\n \n').reshape((-1,7))[:,(1,2,3)] n_read += coords.shape[0] coordinates.append(coords) values += [name]*coords.shape[0] coordinates = numpy.concatenate(coordinates, axis = 0) return UnitCell( default_real_space_basis(vecs), coordinates, values, )
[docs] def reciprocal(self): """ Retrieves the reciprocal basis. Returns: A reciprocal basis. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip('Reciprocal lattice vectors :') vecs = self.parser.nextFloat(n = (3,3))*2*math.pi/numericalunits.aBohr return Basis(vecs)
[docs]class Bands(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing band structure from BAND.OUT file. Args: data (string): contents of Elk BAND.OUT file """ @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name == "BAND.OUT" @band_structure
[docs] def bands(self): """ Retrieves the band structure and strores it into a flattened UnitCell. Returns: A Unit cell with the band structure. """ self.parser.reset() values = [] while self.parser.present(cre_float): a = self.parser.nextFloat(n = '\n \n') self.parser.nextLine(2) values.append(a[1::2]*numericalunits.Hartree) coordinates = a[::2] return UnitCell( Basis((1,)), coordinates[:,numpy.newaxis], numpy.array(values).swapaxes(0,1), )
# Lower case versions input = Input bands = Bands output = Output unitcells = UnitCellsParser