Source code for dfttools.parsers.generic

Contains helper routines to parse text.
import re
import sys
import json
import numpy

re_float = r"([-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*(?:[eEdD][-+]?[0-9]*)?)|(nan)"
re_int = r"([-+]?\d+)"
re_line = r"^(.*)$"
re_word = r"(\w+)"
re_varName = r"(\w[\d\w\(\)\._]+)"
re_nonspace = r"([^\s]+)"
re_quotedText = r"(\'.*?\')|(\".*?\")"

cre_float = re.compile(re_float)
cre_int = re.compile(re_int)
cre_line = re.compile(re_line,re.MULTILINE)
cre_word = re.compile(re_word)
cre_varName = re.compile(re_varName)
cre_nonspace = re.compile(re_nonspace)
cre_quotedText = re.compile(re_quotedText,re.DOTALL)

class ParseError(Exception):
[docs]class AbstractParser(object): """ A root class for text parsers. Args: data (str): text to parse or a file to read. """ def __init__(self, file): if hasattr(file,"read"): self.file = file = else: self.file = None = file self.parser = parse( @staticmethod
[docs] def valid_header(header): """ Checks whether the file header is an expected one. Used in automatic determination of file format. Args: header (str): the file header; Returns: True if the header is as expected. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def valid_filename(name): """ Checks whether the file name is an expected one. Used in automatic determination of file format. Args: name (str): the file name; Returns: True if the name is as expected. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class AbstractJSONParser(AbstractParser): """ A root class for JSON parsers. Args: data (str): text representation of JSON to parse. """ def __init__(self, data): self.json = json.loads(data) def __set_units__(self, field, units): self.json[field] = numpy.array(self.json[field])*units
[docs]class StringParser(object): """ Simple parser for a string with position memory. This class can be used to parse words, numbers, floats and arrays from a given string. Based on `re <>`_, it provides the basic functionality for the rest of parsing libraries. Args: string (str): input string to be parsed. .. note:: The input string can be further accessed by ``self.string`` field. The contents of the string is not copied. """ def __init__(self, string): self.string = string self.__position__ = 0 self.__history__ = []
[docs] def goto(self, expression, n = 1): """ Goes to the beginning of nth occurrence of expression in the string. Args: expression (str,re.RegexObject): expression to match. If *expression* is str then the case is ignored. Kwargs: n (int): number of occurrences to match. Raises: StopIteration: No occurrences left in the string. """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = re.compile(re.escape(expression),re.I) ex_it = expression.finditer(self.string[self.__position__:]) for i in range(n): start = next(ex_it).start() self.__position__ += start
[docs] def pop(self): """ Returns to the previously saved position of the parser. Raises: IndexError: No saved positions left. """ self.__position__ = self.__history__.pop()
[docs] def save(self): """ Saves the current position of the parser. Example:: sp = StringParser("A very important integer 123 describes something.") sp.skip("very") # The caret is set to the right of "very" # The caret position is saved sp.skip("describes") # The caret is set to the right of "describes" # Now the call to StringParser.nextInt() will yield StopIteration. # To return the caret to the previously saved position # StringParser.pop() is used. sp.pop() # Now it is possible to read the integer sp.nextInt() """ self.__history__.append(self.__position__)
[docs] def skip(self, expression, n = 1): """ Skips n occurrences of expression in the string. Args: expression (str,re.RegexObject): expression to match. If *expression* is str then the case is ignored. Kwargs: n (int): number of occurrences to skip. Raises: StopIteration: No occurrences left in the string. """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = re.compile(re.escape(expression),re.I) ex_it = expression.finditer(self.string[self.__position__:]) for i in range(n): end = next(ex_it).end() self.__position__ += end
[docs] def skipAll(self, expression): """ Goes to the end of the last occurrence of a given expression in the string. Args: expression (str,re.RegexObject): expression to match. If *expression* is str then the case is ignored. Raises: StopIteration: No occurrences left in the string. """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = re.compile(re.escape(expression),re.I) ex_it = expression.finditer(self.string[self.__position__:]) end = next(ex_it).end() while True: try: end = next(ex_it).end() except StopIteration: self.__position__ += end return
[docs] def present(self, expression): """ Test the string for the presence of expression. Args: expression (str,re.RegexObject): expression to match. If *expression* is str then the case is ignored. Returns: True if *expression* is matched to the right of current position of the caret. """ try: self.distance(expression) return True except StopIteration: return False
[docs] def distance(self, expression, n = 1, default = None): """ Calculates distance to nth occurrence of expression in characters. Args: expression (str,re.RegexObject): expression to match. If *expression* is str then the case is ignored. Kwargs: n (int): consequetive number of expression to calculate distance to; default: return value if StopIteration occurs. Ignored if None. Returns: Numbers of characters between caret position and *nth* occurrence of *expression* or *default* if too few occurrences found. Raises: StopIteration: No occurrences left in the string. """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = re.compile(re.escape(expression),re.I) ex_it = expression.finditer(self.string[self.__position__:]) try: for i in range(n): start = next(ex_it).start() except StopIteration: if default is None: raise else: return default return start
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the caret to the beginning of the string. """ self.__position__ = 0
[docs] def nextMatch(self, match, n = None): """ Basic function for matching data. Args: match (re.RegexObject): object to match; Kwargs: n (array,int,str,re.RegexObject): specifies either shape of the numpy array returned or the regular expression to stop matching before; Returns: If *n* is specified returns a numpy array of a given shape filled with matches from string. Otherwise returns a single match. The caret is put behind the last match. Raises: StopIteration: Not enough matches left in the string. """ ex_it = match.finditer(self.string[self.__position__:]) if n is None: match = next(ex_it) result = self.__position__ += match.end() return result elif isinstance(n,(int, list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)): n_elements = n if isinstance(n,int) else result = numpy.zeros(n_elements, dtype = object) if result.size > 0: for x in range(n_elements): match = next(ex_it) result[x] = self.__position__ += match.end() return result.reshape(n) else: lim = self.distance(n) result = [] end = 0 while True: try: match = next(ex_it) e = match.end() if e<=lim: result.append( end = e else: break except StopIteration: break self.__position__ += end return numpy.array(result, dtype = object)
[docs] def matchAfter(self,after,match,n = None): """ Matches pattern after another pattern and returns caret to initial position. Particularly useful for getting value for parameter name. Supports matching arrays via keyword parameter *n*. Args: after (re.RegexObject): pattern to skip; match (re.RegexObject): pattern to match; Kwargs: n (array,int,str,re.RegexObject): specifies either shape of the numpy array returned or the regular expression to stop matching before; Returns: If *n* is specified returns a numpy array of a given shape filled with matches from string. Otherwise returns a single match. Raises: StopIteration: Not enough matches left in the string. The function is equal to >>> sp = StringParser("Some string") >>> >>> sp.skip(after) >>> result = sp.nextMatch(match, n = n) >>> sp.pop() """ self.skip(after) result = self.nextMatch(match, n = n) self.pop() return result
[docs] def nextInt(self, n = None): """ Reads integers from string. Kwargs: n (array,int,str,re.RegexObject): specifies either shape of the numpy array returned or the regular expression to stop matching before; Returns: If *n* is specified returns a numpy array of a given shape filled with integers from string. Otherwise returns a single int. The caret is put behind the last integer read. Raises: StopIteration: Not enough integers left in the string. Example: >>> sp = StringParser("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 abc 10") >>> sp.nextInt((2,3)) array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> sp.nextInt("abc") array([ 7., 8., 9.]) """ result = self.nextMatch(cre_int, n = n) if n is None: return int(result) else: return result.astype(
[docs] def intAfter(self, after, n = None): """ Reads integers from string after the next regular expression. Returns the caret to initial position. Particularly useful for getting value for parameter name. Args: after (re.RegexObject) - pattern to skip; Kwargs: n (array,int,str,re.RegexObject): specifies either shape of the numpy array returned or the regular expression to stop matching before; Returns: If *n* is specified returns a numpy array of a given shape filled with integers from string. Otherwise returns a single int. Raises: StopIteration: Not enough integers left in the string. Example: >>> sp = StringParser("cows = 3, rabbits = 5") >>> sp.intAfter("rabbits") 5 >>> sp.intAfter("cows") 3 """ self.skip(after) result = self.nextInt(n = n) self.pop() return result
[docs] def nextFloat(self, n = None): """ Reads floats from string. Kwargs: n (array,int,str,re.RegexObject): specifies either shape of the numpy array returned or the regular expression to stop matching before; Returns: If *n* is specified returns a numpy array of a given shape filled with floats from string. Otherwise returns a single float. The caret is put behind the last float read. Raises: StopIteration: Not enough floats left in the string. Example: >>> sp = StringParser("1.9 2.8 3.7 56.2E-2 abc") >>> sp.nextFloat(2) array([ 1.9, 2.8]) >>> sp.nextFloat("abc") array([ 3.7 , 0.562]) """ result = self.nextMatch(cre_float, n = n) if n is None: return float(result.replace('d','e').replace('D','E')) else: return result.astype(numpy.float)
[docs] def floatAfter(self, after, n = None): """ Reads floats from string after the next regular expression. Returns the caret to initial position. Particularly useful for getting value for parameter name. Args: after (re.RegexObject) - pattern to skip; Kwargs: n (array,int,str,re.RegexObject): specifies either shape of the numpy array returned or the regular expression to stop matching before; Returns: If *n* is specified returns a numpy array of a given shape filled with floats from string. Otherwise returns a single float. Raises: StopIteration: Not enough floats left in the string. Example: >>> sp = StringParser("apples = 3.4; bananas = 7") >>> sp.floatAfter("bananas") 7.0 >>> sp.floatAfter("apples") 3.4 """ self.skip(after) result = self.nextFloat(n = n) self.pop() return result
[docs] def nextLine(self, n = None): """ Reads lines from string. Kwargs: n (array,int,str,re.RegexObject): specifies either shape of the numpy array returned or the regular expression to stop matching before; Returns: If *n* is specified returns a numpy array of a given shape filled with lines from string. Otherwise returns a single line. The caret is put behind the last line read. Raises: StopIteration: Not enough lines left in the string. """ if self.__position__ == len(self.string): raise StopIteration result = self.nextMatch(cre_line, n = n) if self.__position__ < len(self.string): self.__position__ += 1 return result
[docs] def startOfLine(self): """ Goes to the beginning of the current line. """ if self.__position__ > 0: self.__position__ -= 1 else: return while not self.string[self.__position__] == "\n": if self.__position__ == 0: return self.__position__ -= 1 self.__position__ += 1
[docs] def closest(self, exprs): """ Returns the closest match of a set of expressions. Args: exprs (list): a set of expressions being matched. Returns: Index of the closest expression. The distance is measured to the beginnings of matches. Returns None if none of expressions matched. Example: >>> sp = StringParser("This is a large string") >>> sp.closest(("a","string","this")) 2 """ patterns = tuple(re.escape(i) if isinstance(i,str) else i.pattern for i in exprs) match ="("+(")|(".join(patterns))+")",self.string[self.__position__:],re.I) if match is None: return None else: matchedString = for i in range(len(patterns)): if not[i],matchedString,re.I) is None: return i
parse = StringParser