Source code for dfttools.parsers.openmx

Parsing `OpenMX <>`_ files.
import re
import warnings
import math
import json
import os
import os.path

import numpy
import numericalunits

from .generic import parse, cre_varName, cre_word, cre_nonspace, re_int, cre_int, cre_float, AbstractParser, AbstractJSONParser, ParseError
from .structure import cube
from .native_openmx import openmx_bands_bands
from ..simple import band_structure, unit_cell, guess_parser, parse, tag_method
from ..types import UnitCell, Basis
from . import default_real_space_basis

[docs]def populations(s): """ Parses JSON with Lowdin populations. Replaces corresponding arrays with numpy objects. Adds units where needed. Args: s (str): file contents. Returns: A dict with JSON data. """ result = json.loads(s) for field in ("k", "bands", "energies", "weights"): result[field] = numpy.array(result[field]) result["energies"] *= numericalunits.Hartree for field in result["basis"].keys(): result["basis"][field] = numpy.array(result["basis"][field]) return result
[docs]def joint_populations(files): """ Collects several files with Lowdin populations and parses them into a single object. Args: files (list of str): file contents in an array. Returns: A dict with joint JSON data. """ if len(files) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty array passed") parsed = {} for f in files: p = populations(f) parsed[p["k-id"]] = p collected = { "k": [], "energies": [], "weights": [], } for i in range(len(parsed)): if not i in parsed: raise ValueError("Missing data at k-point #{:d}".format(i)) p = parsed[i] p2 = parsed[0] if i>0: if not numpy.all(p["bands"] == p2["bands"]): raise ValueError("Different bands reported at k #0 and k #{:d}".format(i)) for k in p["basis"].keys() + p2["basis"].keys(): if not k in p["basis"] or not k in p2["basis"]: raise ValueError("The basis description '{}' is missing for k #0 or k #{:d}".format(k,i)) if not numpy.all(p["basis"][k] == p2["basis"][k]): raise ValueError("The basis description '{}' is different for k #0 and k #{:d}".format(k,i)) for c in collected.keys(): collected[c].append(p[c]) result = parsed[0] del result["k-id"] for c in collected.keys(): result[c] = numpy.array(collected[c]) return result
[docs]class JSON_DOS(AbstractJSONParser): """ Parses JSON with OpenMX density of states. Args: data (str): contents of OpenMX JSON DoS file. """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "openmx-dos-negf" in header @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name.endswith(".Dos.json") def __init__(self, data): super(JSON_DOS, self).__init__(data) self.__set_units__("energy",numericalunits.Hartree) self.__set_units__("DOS",1./numericalunits.Hartree) for field in self.json["basis"].keys(): self.json["basis"][field] = numpy.array(self.json["basis"][field])
[docs] def basis(self): """ Retrieves the basis set for density weights. Returns: A dict contatining basis description. """ return self.json["basis"]
[docs] def weights(self): """ Retrieves the densities. Returns: Densities in a 4D array with the following index order: * ky * kz * energy * state """ return self.json["DOS"]
[docs] def energies(self): """ Retrieves corresponding energies. Returns: A 1D array with energy values. """ return numpy.linspace(self.json["energy"][0], self.json["energy"][1], self.json["DOS"].shape[2])
def __k__(self, index): n = self.json["DOS"].shape[index] k = numpy.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint = False) k -= k[-1]/2 return k
[docs] def ky(self): """ Retrieves values of ky. Returns: Values of ky. """ return self.__k__(0)
[docs] def kz(self): """ Retrieves values of kz. Returns: Values of kz. """ return self.__k__(1)
[docs]class Input(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing parameter values from OpenMX input files. Args: data (str): contents of OpenMX input file """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): l = header.lower() return "definition.of.atomic.species" in l def systemName(self): return self.getNonSpaced("")
[docs] def getWord(self, parameter): """ A shortcut to parser.StringParser.matchAfter designed to obtain word-like parameter values from textual configuration files. Args: parameter (str): parameter name Returns: parameter value """ self.parser.reset() return self.parser.matchAfter(parameter,cre_word)
[docs] def getNonSpaced(self, parameter): """ A shortcut to parser.StringParser.matchAfter designed to obtain parameter values without spaces from textual configuration files. Args: parameter (str): parameter name Returns: parameter value """ self.parser.reset() return self.parser.matchAfter(parameter,cre_nonspace)
[docs] def getFloat(self, parameter): """ A shortcut to parser.StringParser.matchAfter designed to obtain float parameter values from textual configuration files. Args: parameter (str): parameter name Returns: parameter value """ self.parser.reset() return self.parser.floatAfter(parameter)
[docs] def getInt(self, parameter): """ A shortcut to parser.StringParser.matchAfter designed to obtain integer parameter values from textual configuration files. Args: parameter (str): parameter name Returns: parameter value """ self.parser.reset() return self.parser.intAfter(parameter)
[docs] def unitCell(self, l = None, r = None, tolerance = 1e-12): """ Retrieves atomic position data. Kwargs: l,r (UnitCell): left lead and right lead cells. This information is required for parsing the cell from NEGF calculation input file; tolerance (float): a tolerance for comparing atomic position data from the keywords and from the file itself in ``aBohr``. Returns: An input unit cell. Raises: ValueError: left and right lead cells are not specified for NEGF input file. """ self.parser.reset() if not self.parser.present("<Atoms.UnitVectors"): if l is None or r is None: raise ValueError("The input file does not specify unit cell dimensions (NEGF calculation) but the left and right leads are not specified") no_vectors = True else: no_vectors = False n = self.getInt("Atoms.Number") units = self.getWord("Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit") self.parser.skip("<Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates") coordinates = numpy.zeros((n,3)) values = [] for i in range(n): self.parser.nextInt() values.append(self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word)) coordinates[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) self.parser.nextLine() self.parser.pop() if units.lower() == "ang": coordinates *= numericalunits.angstrom elif units.lower() == "au": coordinates *= numericalunits.aBohr if no_vectors: nl = self.parser.intAfter("LeftLeadAtoms.Number") nr = self.parser.intAfter("RightLeadAtoms.Number") self.parser.skip("<LeftLeadAtoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates") coordinatesl = numpy.zeros((nl,3)) valuesl = [] for i in range(nl): self.parser.nextInt() valuesl.append(self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word)) coordinatesl[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) self.parser.nextLine() self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("<RightLeadAtoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates") coordinatesr = numpy.zeros((nr,3)) valuesr = [] for i in range(nr): self.parser.nextInt() valuesr.append(self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word)) coordinatesr[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) self.parser.nextLine() self.parser.reset() if units.lower() == "ang": coordinatesl *= numericalunits.angstrom coordinatesr *= numericalunits.angstrom elif units.lower() == "au": coordinatesl *= numericalunits.aBohr coordinatesr *= numericalunits.aBohr dl = (l.cartesian()-coordinatesl).sum(axis = 0)/l.size() delta_l = abs(l.cartesian()-coordinatesl-dl).max() dr = (r.cartesian()-coordinatesr).sum(axis = 0)/r.size() delta_r = abs(r.cartesian()-coordinatesr-dr).max() if delta_l/numericalunits.aBohr > tolerance: raise ValueError("The atomic coordinates given by 'l' keyword and those present in the input file are different. Set the 'tolerance' keyword to at least {:e} to avoid this error.".format(delta_l/numericalunits.aBohr)) if delta_r/numericalunits.aBohr > tolerance: raise ValueError("The atomic coordinates given by 'r' keyword and those present in the input file are different. Set the 'tolerance' keyword to at least {:e} to avoid this error.".format(delta_r/numericalunits.aBohr)) shape = l.vectors.copy() shape[0,:] = dl-dr-l.vectors[0,:] coordinates = coordinates + dl - l.vectors[0,:] else: units_cell = self.parser.matchAfter("Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit",cre_word).lower() shape = self.parser.floatAfter("<Atoms.UnitVectors",n = (3,3)) if units_cell == "ang": shape *= numericalunits.angstrom elif units_cell == "au": shape *= numericalunits.aBohr return UnitCell( default_real_space_basis(shape), coordinates, values, c_basis = None if units.lower() == "frac" else "cartesian" )
[docs]class Output(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing parameter values from OpenMX output files. Args: data (string): contents of OpenMX output file """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "Welcome to OpenMX" in header and "T. Ozaki" in header
[docs] def version(self): """ Retrieves OpenMX version as reported in the output. Returns: OpenMX program version as string. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip(re.compile("Welcome to OpenMX\s+Ver\.")) return self.parser.nextMatch(cre_varName,n = "\n")[0]
[docs] def total(self): """ Retrieves total energy calculated. Returns: An array of floats with total energy per each SCF cycle. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("Utot ="): self.parser.skip("Utot =") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()*numericalunits.Hartree) return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def nat(self): """ Retrieves number of atoms. Returns: Number of atoms for the first relaxation step. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("MD or geometry opt. at MD") self.parser.skip("maximum force") n = 0 while self.parser.closest(("XYZ(ang)","***")) == 0: self.parser.skip("XYZ(ang)") n += 1 return n
[docs] def unitCells(self, startingCell, noraise = False): """ Retrieves atomic positions data for relax calculation. Args: startingCell (qetools.cell.Cell): a unit cell from the input file. It is required since no chemical captions are written in the output. Kwargs: noraise (bool): retirieves as much structures as possible without raising exceptions. Returns: A set of all unit cells found. """ self.parser.reset() cells = [] while self.parser.present("lattice vectors (bohr)"): try: self.parser.skip("lattice vectors (bohr)") shape = self.parser.nextFloat((3,3))*numericalunits.aBohr self.parser.skip("MD or geometry opt. at MD") self.parser.skip("maximum force") coordinates = [] while self.parser.closest(("XYZ(ang)","***")) == 0: self.parser.skip("XYZ(ang)") coordinates.append(self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.angstrom) cells.append(UnitCell( default_real_space_basis(shape), coordinates, startingCell.values, c_basis = "cartesian", )) except: if not noraise: raise else: return cells return cells
@tag_method("unit-cell", take_file = True) def __unit_cells_silent__(self, f): # Search for an input file directory = os.path.dirname( file_names = list(os.path.join(directory,i) for i in os.listdir(directory)) for name in file_names: if os.path.isfile(name): with open(name, "r") as f: if Input in guess_parser(f): try: c = Input( if c.size() == self.nat(): return self.unitCells(c, noraise = True) except: pass raise ParseError("Could not locate corresponding input file")
[docs] def populations(self): """ Retrieves Mulliken populations during scf process. Returns: A numpy array where the first index corresponds to iteration number and the second one is atomic ID. The populations are renormalized to reproduce the total charge. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("NormRD"): self.parser.skip(re.compile(r"\*{19} MD=\s*\d*\s*SCF=\s*\d*\s*\*{19}")) self.parser.goto(re.compile(r"\n\s*"+re_int)) self.parser.nextLine() c = [] while self.parser.closest(("Sum of MulP",cre_int)) == 1: self.parser.skip("sum") c.append(self.parser.nextFloat()) self.parser.nextLine() self.parser.skip("total=") total = self.parser.nextFloat() self.parser.skip("NormRD") c = numpy.array(c) result.append(c*total/sum(c)) return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def neutral_charge(self): """ Retrieves the number of valence electrons in the calculation for the charge neutral system. Returns: The number of electrons. """ self.parser.reset() return self.parser.floatAfter("ideal(neutral)=")
[docs] def solvers(self): """ Retrieves the solver used for each iteration. Returns: A list of solver names. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("NormRD"): self.parser.skip(re.compile(r"\*{19} MD=\s*\d*\s*SCF=\s*\d*\s*\*{19}")) self.parser.goto("_DFT>") self.parser.startOfLine() result.append(self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word)) self.parser.skip("NormRD") return result
[docs] def convergence(self): """ Retrieves convergence error values. Returns: A numpy array of convergence errors. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("NormRD"): self.parser.skip("NormRD") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()) return numpy.array(result)
[docs]class Bands(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing band structure from openmx.Band file. Args: data (string): contents of OpenMX Band file """ @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name.endswith(".Band")
[docs] def fermi(self): """ Retrieves Fermi energy. Returns: Fermi energy. """ self.parser.reset() p = self.parser p.nextInt() p.nextInt() return p.nextFloat()*numericalunits.Hartree
[docs] def captions(self): """ Retrieves user-specified K-point captions. Returns: A dict with k-point number - k-point caption pairs. """ self.parser.reset() p = self.parser p.nextLine(2) # nk = number of K points npath = p.nextInt() nk = 0 result = {} for i in range(npath): n = p.nextInt() fr = p.nextFloat(3) to = p.nextFloat(3) fr_c = p.nextMatch(cre_nonspace) to_c = p.nextMatch(cre_nonspace) result[nk] = fr_c nk += n result[nk-1] = to_c p.nextLine() return result
[docs] def bands(self): """ Retrieves bands. Returns: A UnitCell object with band energies. """ fermi = self.fermi() self.parser.reset() p = self.parser p.nextLine() shape = p.nextFloat((3,3))/numericalunits.aBohr data = openmx_bands_bands( return UnitCell( Basis(shape, meta = {"Fermi":self.fermi(), "special-points":self.captions()}), data[:,:3], data[:,3:]*numericalunits.Hartree, )
[docs]class Transmission(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing transmission from openmx.tran file. Args: data (string): contents of openmx.tran file """ @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): l = name.rfind(".tran") if l == -1: return False print name[l+6:] return not (re.match(r"[\d+]_[\d+]\Z",name[l+5:]) is None) @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "The unit of current is given by eEh/bar{h}" in header def __table__(self): """ Reads the data as a table. Returns: All numbers presented in a numpy 2D array. """ self.parser.reset() # Skip comments while self.parser.present("#"): self.parser.nextLine() result = [] while self.parser.present(cre_float): result.append(self.parser.nextFloat("\n")) self.parser.nextLine() return numpy.array(result) def __spin__(self): """ Retrieves integer corresponding to spin treatment. Returns: SpinP_switch as reported in the file. """ self.parser.reset() return self.parser.intAfter("spinp_switch")
[docs] def total(self): """ Retrieves total transmission 1D array. Returns: A numpy array containing total transmission values with imaginary part discarded. """ s = self.__spin__() table = self.__table__() if s == 0: return table[:,5]+table[:,7] elif s == 3: return table[:,5] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized spinp_switch: {:d}".format(s))
[docs] def energy(self): """ Retrieves energy points of computed transmission. Returns: A numpy array containing energies with imaginary part discarded. """ return self.__table__()[:,3]*numericalunits.eV
# Lower case versions input = Input output = Output bands = Bands transmission = Transmission