Source code for dfttools.parsers.qe

Parsing `Quantum Espresso <>`_ files.
import math
import re

import numpy
import numericalunits

from .generic import parse, cre_varName, cre_word, cre_float, cre_quotedText, re_float, cre_int, ParseError, AbstractParser
from .native_qe import qe_proj_weights
from ..simple import band_structure, unit_cell, tag_method
from ..types import UnitCell, Basis
from . import default_real_space_basis

[docs]class Bands(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing output files created by bands.x binary of Quantum Espresso package. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the bands.x output file. """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "&plot" in header and "nbnd" in header and "nks" in header
[docs] def nk(self): """ Retrieves number of k points from the output file header. Returns: Integer number of k points. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("nks=") return self.parser.nextInt()
[docs] def ne(self): """ Retrieves number of bands from the output file header. Returns: Integer number of bands. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("nbnd=") return self.parser.nextInt()
[docs] def reciprocal_data(self, basis): """ Retrieves the band structure data. Args: basis (types.Basis): the reciprocal unit cell of the band structure. Returns: A unit cell containing band structure data. """ nk = self.nk() ne = self.parser.reset() coordinates = numpy.zeros((nk,3)) values = numpy.zeros((nk,ne)) for i in range(nk): self.parser.nextLine() coordinates[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) values[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(ne) return UnitCell(basis, coordinates, values)
[docs] def bands(self, basis): """ Retrieves the bands. Args: basis (types.Basis): the reciprocal unit cell of the band structure. Returns: A unit cell containing band energies. """ result = self.reciprocal_data(basis) result.values *= numericalunits.eV return result
[docs]class Output(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing output files created by pw.x binary of Quantum Espresso package. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the output file. """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "Program PWSCF" in header
[docs] def success(self): """ Checks for success signature in the end of the file. Returns: True if the signature is present. """ return 'JOB DONE.' in
[docs] def routineError(self): """ Checks "error in routine" entry in the file. Returns: String with textual information about the error. Returns None if no error recorded. """ result = re.findall('Error in routine.*\n *(.*)\n', if len(result)==0: return None else: return result[0]
[docs] def scf_accuracy(self): """ Retrieves scf convergence history. Returns: A numpy array containing estimated errors after all scf steps during calculations. The energies are given in **eV**. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("estimated scf accuracy"): self.parser.skip("estimated scf accuracy") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()) return numpy.array(result)*numericalunits.Ry
[docs] def scf_steps(self): """ Retrieved number of scf steps. Returns: A numpy array containing numbers of consequetive scf steps performed to reach convergences. """ return numpy.array(re.findall(r'\s*convergence has been achieved in\s+([-+]?\d+) iterations',,dtype =
[docs] def scf_failed(self): """ Checks for "convergence NOT achieved" signature. Returns: True if the signature is present. """ return 'convergence NOT achieved' in
[docs] def fermi(self): """ Retrieves Fermi energies. Returns: A numpy array containing Fermi energies for each MD step. """ result = [] self.parser.reset() while True: parseMode = self.parser.closest(("End of self-consistent calculation","End of band structure calculation")) if parseMode is None: break elif parseMode == 0: self.parser.skip("End of self-consistent calculation") elif parseMode == 1: self.parser.skip("End of band structure calculation") x = self.parser.closest(("the Fermi energy is","highest occupied level","End of self-consistent calculation","End of band structure calculation")) if x == 0: self.parser.skip("the Fermi energy is") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()*numericalunits.eV) elif x == 1: self.parser.skip("highest occupied level") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()*numericalunits.eV) elif x == 2 or x == 3: result.append(None) else: break return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def force(self): """ Retrieves total force. Returns: A numpy array containing total forces for each self-consistent calculation. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("Total force ="): self.parser.skip("Total force =") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()) return numpy.array(result)*numericalunits.Ry/numericalunits.aBohr
[docs] def total(self): """ Retrieves total energies. Returns: A numpy array containing total energies for each self-consistent calculation. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("! total energy"): self.parser.skip("! total energy") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()) return numpy.array(result)*numericalunits.Ry
[docs] def threads(self): """ Retrieves the number of MPI threads. Returns: A number of MPI threads for this calculation as an integer. """ return int(re.findall(r"running on\s+(\d+) processors",[-1])
[docs] def time(self): """ Retrieves cpu times. Returns: Time stamps measured by Quantum Espresso in a numpy array. """ self.parser.reset() result = [] while self.parser.present("total cpu time spent up to now is"): self.parser.skip("total cpu time spent up to now is") result.append(self.parser.nextFloat()) return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def alat(self): """ Retrieves QE "alat" length. Returns: The first record of "alat" in **m** as float. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("lattice parameter (alat)") alat = self.parser.nextFloat() # Determine alat in more precise way, if possible self.parser.skip("celldm(1)=") alat_precise = self.parser.nextFloat() if alat_precise != 0: return alat_precise*numericalunits.aBohr else: return alat*numericalunits.aBohr
[docs] def unitCells(self): """ Retrieves atomic position data. Returns: A set of all unit cells found. """ result = [] alat = self.alat() self.parser.reset() # Parse initial unit cell self.parser.skip("number of atoms/cell") n = self.parser.nextInt() self.parser.skip("crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)") shape = self.parser.nextFloat((3,4))[:,1:]*alat basis = default_real_space_basis(shape) self.parser.skip("Cartesian axes") coordinates = numpy.zeros((n,3)) captions = numpy.zeros(n,dtype = 'S2') self.parser.nextLine(3) for i in range(n): self.parser.nextInt() captions[i] = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) self.parser.skip("=") coordinates[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) coordinates *= alat result.append(UnitCell(basis, coordinates, captions, c_basis = "cartesian")) # Parse MD steps while self.parser.present("ATOMIC_POSITIONS"): coordinates = numpy.zeros((n,3)) captions = numpy.zeros(n,dtype = 'S2') # Check if vcr steps are present if self.parser.present("CELL_PARAMETERS") and (self.parser.distance("CELL_PARAMETERS")<self.parser.distance("ATOMIC_POSITIONS")): self.parser.skip("CELL_PARAMETERS") mode = self.parser.closest(("(alat=", "(angstrom)")) if mode == 0: alat = self.parser.nextFloat()*numericalunits.aBohr shape = self.parser.nextFloat((3,3))*alat elif mode == 1: shape = self.parser.nextFloat((3,3))*numericalunits.angstrom else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown format") basis = default_real_space_basis(shape) # Parse atomic data self.parser.skip("ATOMIC_POSITIONS") units = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) for i in range(n): captions[i] = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) coordinates[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) self.parser.nextLine() if units == "crystal": result.append(UnitCell(basis, coordinates, captions)) elif units == "alat": result.append(UnitCell(basis, coordinates*alat, captions, c_basis = "cartesian")) elif units == "bohr": result.append(UnitCell(basis, coordinates*numericalunits.aBohr, captions, c_basis = "cartesian")) else: raise ParseError("Unknown units: %s" % units) return result
def __bands_energies__(self, parseMode_kp, basis, kpoints, fermi, alat): n_kp = len(kpoints) energies = [] for i in range(n_kp): self.parser.skip("k =") self.parser.nextLine(2) sub_energies = [] while self.parser.closest((cre_float,"\n\n")) == 0: sub_energies.append(self.parser.nextFloat()*numericalunits.eV) energies.append(sub_energies) if parseMode_kp == 0: c = UnitCell(basis, kpoints, energies) else: c = UnitCell(basis, kpoints*2*math.pi/alat, energies, c_basis = "cartesian") if not fermi is None: c.meta["Fermi"] = fermi return c
[docs] def bands(self, index = -1, skipVCRelaxException = False): """ Retrieves bands. Kwargs: index (int or None): index of a band structure or ``None`` if all band structures need to be parsed. Supports negative indexing. skipVCRelaxException (bool): forces to skip variable cell relaxation exception. In this very special case no reciprocal lattice vectors are provided for the new cells in the output file. Returns: A set of Cell objects with bands data stored in ``Cell.values``. Specifically, ``Cell.values`` is a n by m array where n is a number of k points and m is a number of bands. Raises: Exception: if a variable cell calculation data found. """ fermi = self.fermi() self.parser.reset() if self.parser.present("new lattice vectors") and not skipVCRelaxException: raise Exception("Variable cell relaxation output detected. "+ "No reciprocal lattice vectors found for relaxed cells. "+ "To skip this exception and write kpoints in old basis "+ "set skipVCRelaxExeption to True.") alat = self.alat() self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)") basis = Basis(self.parser.nextFloat((3,4))[:,1:]*2*math.pi/alat) self.parser.skip("number of k points=") n_kp = self.parser.nextInt() if self.parser.present("cryst. coord."): parseMode_kp = 0 self.parser.skip("cryst. coord.") kpoints = self.parser.nextFloat((n_kp,5))[:,1:4] elif self.parser.present("cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat"): parseMode_kp = 1 self.parser.skip("cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat") kpoints = self.parser.nextFloat((n_kp,5))[:,1:4] else: raise Exception("No kpoint data found in the file.") bandStructures = [] counter = 0 while True: parseMode = self.parser.closest(("End of self-consistent calculation","End of band structure calculation")) if parseMode is None: break elif parseMode == 0: self.parser.skip("End of self-consistent calculation") elif parseMode == 1: self.parser.skip("End of band structure calculation") curr_fermi = fermi[counter] if counter < len(fermi) else None if index is None: bandStructures.append(self.__bands_energies__(parseMode_kp, basis, kpoints, curr_fermi, alat)) elif index < 0: elif index == counter: return self.__bands_energies__(parseMode_kp, basis, kpoints, curr_fermi, alat) counter += 1 if index is None: return bandStructures elif index < 0: if (-index>counter): raise ParseError("Only {:d} band structures found ({:d} requested)".format(counter, index)) for i in range(-index): self.parser.pop() c = self.__bands_energies__(parseMode_kp, basis, kpoints, fermi[index] if -index<=len(fermi) else None, alat) for i in range(counter+index): self.parser.pop() return c else: raise ParseError("Only {:d} band structures found ({:d} requested)".format(counter, index))
@band_structure def __bands_silent__(self): return self.bands(skipVCRelaxException = True)
[docs]class Proj(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing output files created by projwfc.x binary of Quantum Espresso package. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the output file. """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "Program PROJWFC" in header
[docs] def basis(self): """ Retrieves the localized basis set. Returns: A numpy array of records: * state (int): ID of the state as provided by Quantum Espresso; * atom (int): ID of particular atom in the unit cell; * atomName (str): chemical caption; * wfc (int): particular wave function ID; * m,l (float): quantum numbers for collinear calculation; * j,m_j,l (float): quantum numbers for non-collinear calculation. """ self.parser.reset() state = 0 if self.parser.present("Calling projwave ...."): self.parser.skip("Calling projwave ....") dataType = numpy.dtype([ ('state',numpy.int64,1), ('atom',numpy.int64,1), ('name', numpy.str_, 2), ('wfc', numpy.int64, 1), ('l', numpy.float64, 1), ('m', numpy.float64, 1) ]) result = [] while self.parser.closest(("state #"," k = ")) == 0: self.parser.skip("state #") state += 1 self.parser.skip(":") result.append(( state, self.parser.nextInt(), self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word), self.parser.nextInt(), self.parser.nextFloat(), self.parser.nextFloat() )) states = numpy.array(result, dtype = dataType) elif self.parser.present("Calling projwave_nc ...."): self.parser.skip("Calling projwave_nc ....") dataType = numpy.dtype([ ('state',numpy.int64,1), ('atom',numpy.int64,1), ('name', numpy.str_, 2), ('wfc', numpy.int64, 1), ('j', numpy.float64, 1), ('l', numpy.float64, 1), ('m_j', numpy.float64, 1) ]) result = [] while self.parser.closest(("state #"," k = ")) == 0: self.parser.skip("state #") state += 1 self.parser.skip(":") result.append(( state, self.parser.nextInt(), self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word), self.parser.nextInt(), self.parser.nextFloat(), self.parser.nextFloat(), self.parser.nextFloat() )) states = numpy.array(result, dtype = dataType) else: raise Exception("Unknown projwfc output file.") return states
[docs] def weights(self): """ Retrieves projection weights onto localized basis set. Returns: A k by n by m numpy array with weights. * k is a number of k points * n is a number of bands * m is a localized basis set size """ return qe_proj_weights(
def _weights(self, lower = 0, upper = None): basisSize = self.basis().shape[0] self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("Calling projwave") projections = [] while self.parser.present("k ="): self.parser.skip("k =") projections_k = [] for i in range(lower): self.parser.skip("==== e(") while self.parser.closest(("==== e(","k =")) == 0: self.parser.skip("==== e(") self.parser.nextLine() rawData = self.parser.nextFloat("|psi|^2") projections_ke = numpy.zeros(basisSize) for i in range(rawData.shape[0]/2): projections_ke[int(rawData[2*i+1])-1] = rawData[2*i] projections_k.append(projections_ke) if not upper is None and len(projections_k) >= (upper-lower): break projections.append(projections_k) return numpy.array(projections)
[docs]class Cond(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing output files created by pwcond.x binary of Quantum Espresso package. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the output file. """ @staticmethod def valid_header(header): return "Program PWCOND" in header
[docs] def transmission(self, kind = "resolved"): """ Retrives transmission data from pwcond output file. Kwargs: kind (str): either "resolved", "total", "states_in" or "states_out". * resolved: retrieves transmisson matrix elements btw pairs of states; * total: retrieves total transmission for all incoming states; * states_in, states_out: retrieves only incoming or outgoing states without forming pairs and obtaining transmissions. .. warning:: The "resolved" mode essentially picks all transmission matrix elements available in the input. Therefore it will not record incident states without corresponding outgoing states. However these states will show up in "total" regime with zero transmission. Returns: A numpy array of records with states and transmission: * energy (float): energy of the state in **eV**; * kx,ky (float): x and y components of k-vectors; * incoming (float): z component of k-vector of incoming state (only for kind == "resolved" or kind == "total" or kind == "states_in"); * outgoing (float): z component of k-vector of outgoing state (only for kind == "resolved" or kind == "states_out"); * transmission (float): corresponding transmission matrix element or total transmission (only for kind == "resolved" or kind == "total"). The k vector projections are given in units of reciprocal lattice. """ if kind == "resolved": dataType = numpy.dtype([ ('energy',numpy.float64,1), ('kx',numpy.float64,1), ('ky',numpy.float64,1), ('incoming',numpy.complex64,1), ('outgoing', numpy.complex64,1), ('transmission', numpy.float64, 1), ]) elif kind == "total": dataType = numpy.dtype([ ('energy',numpy.float64,1), ('kx',numpy.float64,1), ('ky',numpy.float64,1), ('incoming',numpy.complex64,1), ('transmission', numpy.float64, 1), ]) elif kind == "states_in": dataType = numpy.dtype([ ('energy',numpy.float64,1), ('kx',numpy.float64,1), ('ky',numpy.float64,1), ('incoming',numpy.complex64,1), ]) elif kind == "states_out": dataType = numpy.dtype([ ('energy',numpy.float64,1), ('kx',numpy.float64,1), ('ky',numpy.float64,1), ('outgoing',numpy.complex64,1), ]) else: raise ParseError("Unknown kind: '%s'; should be either 'total', 'resolved', 'states_in' or 'states_out'." % kind) result = [] self.parser.reset() previous = numpy.zeros(1,dtype = dataType) try: while self.parser.present("--- E-Ef"): self.parser.skip("--- E-Ef") previous['energy'] = self.parser.nextFloat() previous['kx'] = self.parser.nextFloat() previous['ky'] = self.parser.nextFloat() channels = {"left":{"left":None, "right":None}, "right":{"left":None, "right":None}} for lead in channels.keys(): if self.parser.closest(("Nchannels of the %s tip =" % lead,"--- E-Ef")) == 0: self.parser.skip("Nchannels of the %s tip =" % lead) numberOfChannels = self.parser.nextInt() for direction in channels[lead].keys(): self.parser.skip("%s moving states:" % direction) self.parser.nextLine(2) states = self.parser.nextFloat((numberOfChannels,3)) channels[lead][direction] = states[:,0] + 1.j*states[:,1] self.parser.pop() self.parser.pop() # If leads are the same if channels["left"]["left"] is None: channels["left"]["left"] = channels["right"]["left"] if channels["left"]["right"] is None: channels["left"]["right"] = channels["right"]["right"] if channels["right"]["left"] is None: channels["right"]["left"] = channels["left"]["left"] if channels["right"]["right"] is None: channels["right"]["right"] = channels["left"]["right"] if kind == "states_in": # Just list incoming states for kz in channels["left"]["right"]: previous["incoming"] = kz result.append(previous) previous = previous.copy() elif kind == "states_out": # Just list outgoing states for kz in channels["right"]["right"]: previous["outgoing"] = kz result.append(previous) previous = previous.copy() elif kind == "total" or kind == "resolved": # Read transmissions self.parser.skip("to transmit") entry = self.parser.closest(("-->","Total T_j, R_j =","E-Ef(ev), T =")) while (entry == 0) or (entry == 1): if entry == 0: self.parser.goto("-->") self.parser.startOfLine() initial = self.parser.nextInt()-1 previous["incoming"] = channels["left"]["right"][initial] final = self.parser.nextInt()-1 if final<len(channels["right"]["right"]) and kind == "resolved": t = self.parser.nextFloat() previous["outgoing"] = channels["right"]["right"][final] previous["transmission"] = t result.append(previous) previous = previous.copy() self.parser.nextLine() elif entry == 1: self.parser.skip("Total T_j, R_j =") t = self.parser.nextFloat() self.parser.nextLine() if kind == "total": previous["transmission"] = t result.append(previous) previous = previous.copy() entry = self.parser.closest(("-->","Total T_j, R_j =","E-Ef(ev), T =")) # If no outgoing states found and total transmission is # required adds incoming states with zero transmission if kind == "total" and len(channels["right"]["right"]) == 0: for incoming in channels["left"]["right"]: previous["incoming"] = incoming previous["transmission"] = 0 result.append(previous) previous = previous.copy() except: if len(result) == 0: raise return numpy.concatenate(result)
[docs]class Input(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing input file for pw.x binary of a Quantum Espresso package. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the input file. """ def __init__(self, file): super(Input,self).__init__(file) lines = [] for line in'\n'): if not line.strip().startswith('!'): lines.append(line) = "\n".join(lines) self.parser = parse( @staticmethod def valid_header(header): l = header.lower() return ("&control" in l or "&system" in l or "&electrons" in l or "&ions" in l) and not "program pwscf" in l
[docs] def namelists(self): """ Retrieves all namelists. Returns: A dictionary representing this namelist. """ self.parser.reset() result = {} while self.parser.present("&"): self.parser.skip("&") nl = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_varName).lower() result[nl] = {} while True: nxt = self.parser.closest(("/", cre_varName)) if nxt == 0 or nxt == -1: break name = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_varName).lower() self.parser.skip("=") dataType = self.parser.closest(("false","true",cre_float,cre_quotedText)) if dataType == 0: result[nl][name] = False self.parser.skip("false") elif dataType == 1: result[nl][name] = True self.parser.skip("true") elif dataType == 2: result[nl][name] = self.parser.nextFloat() elif dataType == 3: result[nl][name] = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_quotedText)[1:-1] else: raise Exception("Could not retrieve value for {}.{}".format(nl,name)) self.parser.skip("/") return result
[docs] def unitCell(self): """ Retrieves a unit cell from this input file. Returns: A unit cell with atomic coordinates. """ nl = self.namelists() units_dict = { "angstrom": numericalunits.angstrom, "bohr": numericalunits.aBohr, "alat": nl["system"]["celldm(1)"] if "celldm(1)" in nl["system"] else None, } ibrav = nl["system"]["ibrav"] if ibrav == 14: shape = list(nl["system"]["celldm(%i)"% (i+1)] for i in range(6)) shape[0] *= numericalunits.aBohr shape[1] *= shape[0] shape[2] *= shape[0] basis = default_real_space_basis(shape, kind = 'triclinic') elif ibrav == 0: self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("cell_parameters") units = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) vectors = self.parser.nextFloat(n = (3,3))*units_dict[units] basis = default_real_space_basis(vectors) else: raise NotImplementedError("Cell recovery not implemented for ibrav = {:d}".format(int(ibrav))) self.parser.reset() self.parser.skip("atomic_positions") units = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) coordinates = numpy.zeros((int(nl["system"]["nat"]),3)) statics = numpy.ones(coordinates.shape, dtype = numpy.float) values = numpy.zeros(coordinates.shape[0],"S2") for i in range(coordinates.shape[0]): values[i] = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) coordinates[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) if self.parser.closest(("\n",cre_int)) == 1: statics[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3) self.parser.nextLine() if units == "alat": result = UnitCell(basis, coordinates*alat, values, c_basis = "cartesian") elif units == "bohr": result = UnitCell(basis, coordinates*numericalunits.aBohr, values, c_basis = "cartesian") elif units == "angstrom": result = UnitCell(basis, coordinates*numericalunits.angstrom, values, c_basis = "cartesian") elif units == "crystal": result = UnitCell(basis, coordinates, values) result.meta["force-factors"] = statics return result
# Lower case versions bands = Bands output = Output cond = Cond proj = Proj input = Input