Source code for dfttools.parsers.structure

Parsing various atomic structure files.
import numpy
import numericalunits

from .generic import parse, cre_word, cre_nonspace, AbstractParser
from ..simple import band_structure, unit_cell
from ..types import UnitCell, Basis, Grid
from ..presentation import __elements_table__
from . import default_real_space_basis

[docs]class XSF(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing `xcrysden <>`_ files commonly used in solid state visualisations. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the xsf file. """ @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name.lower().endswith(".xsf") @staticmethod def valid_header(header): l = header.lower() return "primvec" in l and "primcoord" in l @unit_cell
[docs] def unitCells(self): """ Retrieves unit cells. Returns: A set of unit cells with atomic positions data. """ result = [] self.parser.reset() while True: mode = self.parser.closest(("primvec","primcoord")) if mode == 0: self.parser.skip("primvec") self.parser.nextLine() shape = self.parser.nextFloat((3,3))*numericalunits.angstrom elif mode == 1: self.parser.skip('primcoord') self.parser.nextLine() n = self.parser.nextInt() coordinates = numpy.zeros((n,3)) values = numpy.zeros(n,dtype = 'S2') for i in range(n): self.parser.nextLine() values[i] = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word) coordinates[i,:] = self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.angstrom result.append(UnitCell( default_real_space_basis(shape), coordinates, values, c_basis = 'cartesian' )) else: return result
[docs] def grids(self): """ Retrieves the grids. Returns: An array of cells with data on the grid. ( grid origin, grid vectors, data on the grid, grid name, grid block name ). """ result = [] self.parser.reset() while self.parser.present("begin_block_datagrid"): self.parser.skip("begin_block_datagrid") if self.parser.distance("_3d", default=-1) == 0: mode = "3d" elif self.parser.distance("_2d", default=-1) == 0: mode = "2d" else: raise Exception("Failed to determine grid dimensions") self.parser.nextLine() block_name = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_nonspace) while True: self.parser.nextLine() grid_name = self.parser.nextMatch(cre_nonspace) expecting = "begin_datagrid_"+mode expecting_2 = "datagrid_"+mode if grid_name.lower() == "end_block_datagrid_"+mode: break elif grid_name.lower().startswith(expecting): grid_name = grid_name[len(expecting)+1:] elif grid_name.lower().startswith(expecting_2): grid_name = grid_name[len(expecting_2)+1:] else: raise Exception("Failed to continue parsing grids at '{}'".format(grid_name)) if mode == "3d": shape = self.parser.nextInt(3) else: shape = self.parser.nextInt(2) origin = self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.angstrom if mode == "3d": vectors = self.parser.nextFloat((3,3))*numericalunits.angstrom else: vectors = self.parser.nextFloat((2,3))*numericalunits.angstrom data = self.parser.nextFloat(tuple(shape[::-1])).swapaxes(0,shape.size-1)[[slice(0,-1,1)]*vectors.shape[0]] self.parser.skip("end_datagrid_"+mode) meta = { "xsf-grid-origin": origin, "xsf-block-name": block_name, "xsf-grid-name": grid_name, } c = Grid( default_real_space_basis(vectors, meta = meta), tuple(numpy.linspace(0,1,s, endpoint = False) for s in data.shape), data, ) result.append(c) return result
[docs]class GaussianCube(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing `Gaussian CUBE <>`_ files. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the Gaussian CUBE file. """ @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name.lower().endswith(".cube")
[docs] def grid(self): """ Retrieves the grid. Returns: A grid. """ self.parser.reset() self.parser.nextLine(2) n = self.parser.nextInt() if n<0: origin = self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.angstrom else: origin = self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.aBohr n = abs(n) size = [] spacing = [] for i in range(3): s = self.parser.nextInt() size.append(s) if s<0: spacing.append(self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.angstrom) else: spacing.append(self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.aBohr) spacing = numpy.array(spacing) size = numpy.abs(size) vectors = spacing*size[:,numpy.newaxis] # Skip atomic coordinates self.parser.nextLine(n+1) data = self.parser.nextFloat(size) return Grid( default_real_space_basis(vectors), tuple(numpy.linspace(0,1,s, endpoint = False) for s in data.shape), data, )
[docs] def unitCell(self): """ Retrieves a unit cell. Returns: A unit cell with atomic positions data. """ result = [] self.parser.reset() self.parser.nextLine(2) # Number of atoms n = self.parser.nextInt() self.parser.nextLine() # Lattice vectors shape = [] for i in range(3): nv = self.parser.nextInt() v = self.parser.nextFloat(3) if nv<0: shape.append(v*abs(nv)*numericalunits.angstrom) else: shape.append(v*abs(nv)*numericalunits.aBohr) c = [] v = [] for i in range(abs(n)): aid = self.parser.nextInt() self.parser.nextFloat() ac = self.parser.nextFloat(3) if not aid == 0: v.append(__elements_table__[abs(aid)-1][0]) else: v.append("??") if nv<0: c.append(ac*numericalunits.angstrom) else: c.append(ac*numericalunits.aBohr) return UnitCell(default_real_space_basis(shape), c, v, c_basis="cartesian")
[docs]class XYZ(AbstractParser): """ Class for parsing XYZ structure files. Args: data (str): string with the contents of the XYZ file. """ vacuum_size = numericalunits.nm @staticmethod def valid_filename(name): return name.lower().endswith(".xyz") @unit_cell
[docs] def unitCell(self): """ Retrieves a unit cell. Returns: A unit cell with atomic positions data. """ result = [] self.parser.reset() # Number of atoms n = self.parser.nextInt() self.parser.nextLine(2) c = [] v = [] for i in range(abs(n)): v.append(self.parser.nextMatch(cre_word)) c.append(self.parser.nextFloat(3)*numericalunits.angstrom) c = numpy.array(c) mx = c.max(axis = 0) mn = c.min(axis = 0) shape = mx-mn+XYZ.vacuum_size return UnitCell(default_real_space_basis(shape, kind = 'orthorombic'), c, v, c_basis="cartesian")
# Lower case versions xsf = XSF cube = GaussianCube xyz = XYZ