Source code for dfttools.types

This submodule contains key types for handling coordinate-dependent data:
``UnitCell``, ``Grid`` and ``Basis``.
import itertools
from functools import wraps
import warnings

import numpy
from numpy import random
from scipy import linalg
import numericalunits

from .blochl import tetrahedron, tetrahedron_plain

def input_as_list(func):
    def a_w(*args, **kwargs):
        self = args[0]
        if len(args) > 2:
            args = [self, list(args[1:])]
        elif len(args) == 2:
            except TypeError:
                args = [self, list(args[1:])]
            args = [self, []]
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return a_w

def __angle__(v1,v2, axis = -1):
    Calculates angles between sets of vectors.
        v1,v2 (array): arrays of the same size with vectors'
        axis (int): dimension to sum over.
        A numpy array containing cosines between the vectors.
    return (v1*v2).sum(axis=axis)/((v1**2).sum(axis=axis)*(v2**2).sum(axis=axis))**.5
def __xyz2i__(i):
        return {'x':0, 'y':1, 'z':2}[i]
    except KeyError:
        return i
class ArgumentError(Exception):
[docs]class Basis(object): """ A class describing a set of vectors representing a basis. Args: vectors (array): a 2D or a 1D array of floats representing vectors of the basis set. Kwargs: kind (str): a shortcut keyword for several most common basis sets: * 'default': expects ``vectors`` to be a 2D array with basis vectors in cartesian coordinates; * 'orthorombic': expects ``vectors`` to be a 1D array with dimensions of an orthorombic basis set; * 'triclinic': expects ``vectors`` to be a 1D array with 3 lengths of edges and 3 cosines of face angles. units (str,float): optional units for the Basis. The units are stored in `self.meta['units']` and are used only during save/load process. The string value has to correspond to one of the values in `numericalunits` package. meta (dict): a metadata for this Basis. """ def __init__(self, vectors, kind = 'default', meta = None, units = None): vectors = numpy.array(vectors, dtype = numpy.float64) if kind == 'default': self.vectors = vectors elif kind == 'orthorombic': self.vectors = numpy.diag(vectors) elif kind == 'triclinic': lengths = vectors[0:3] cosines = vectors[3:] volume = lengths[0]*lengths[1]*lengths[2]*( 1+\ 2*cosines[0]*cosines[1]*cosines[2]-\ cosines[0]**2-cosines[1]**2-cosines[2]**2 )**.5 sines = (1-cosines**2)**.5 height = volume/lengths[0]/lengths[1]/sines[2] self.vectors = numpy.array(( (lengths[0], 0, 0), (lengths[1]*cosines[2], lengths[1]*sines[2], 0), (lengths[2]*cosines[1], abs((lengths[2]*sines[1])**2 - height**2)**.5, height) ), dtype = numpy.float64) else: raise ArgumentError("Unknown kind='{}'".format(kind)) if not meta is None: self.meta = meta.copy() else: self.meta = {} if not units is None: self.meta["units"] = units def __getstate__(self): result = { "meta":self.meta.copy(), } # Release units if self.units_aware(): u = self.meta["units"] if isinstance(u, (str,unicode)): import numericalunits value = getattr(numericalunits,u) else: value = u result['vectors'] = (self.vectors/value).tolist() else: result['vectors'] = self.vectors.tolist() return result def __setstate__(self,data): Basis.__init__( self, data["vectors"], meta = data["meta"], ) # Set units if self.units_aware(): u = self.meta["units"] if isinstance(u, (str,unicode)): import numericalunits value = getattr(numericalunits,u) else: value = u self.vectors *= value def __eq__(self, another): return type(another) == type(self) and numpy.all(self.vectors == another.vectors)
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Prepares a JSON-compatible object representing this Basis. Returns: A JSON-compatible dict. """ result = self.__getstate__() result["type"] = "dfttools."+self.__class__.__name__ return result
[docs] def from_json(j): """ Restores a Basis from JSON data. Args: j (dict): JSON data. Returns: A Basis object. """ if not "type" in j or not j["type"] == "dfttools.Basis": raise ValueError("This is not a valid Basis JSON representation.") result = Basis(j["vectors"], meta = j["meta"]) result.__setstate__(j) return result
[docs] def units_aware(self): """ Checks if units for this Basis are defined. Returns: True if units were defined. """ return "units" in self.meta
[docs] def transform_to(self, basis, coordinates): """ Transforms coordinates to another basis set. Args: basis (Basis): a new basis to transform to. coordinates (array): an array of coordinates to be transformed. Returns: An array with transformed coordinates. """ coordinates = numpy.array(coordinates, dtype = numpy.float64) return numpy.tensordot( coordinates, numpy.tensordot( self.vectors, numpy.linalg.inv(basis.vectors), axes=((1,),(0,)) ), axes=((len(coordinates.shape)-1,),(0,)) )
[docs] def transform_from(self, basis, coordinates): """ Transforms coordinates from another basis set. Args: basis (Basis): a basis to transform from. coordinates (array): an array of coordinates to be transformed. Returns: An array with transformed coordinates. """ return basis.transform_to(self, coordinates)
[docs] def transform_to_cartesian(self, coordinates): """ Transforms coordinates to cartesian. Args: coordinates (array): an array of coordinates to be transformed. Returns: An array with transformed coordinates. """ return self.transform_to( Basis(numpy.eye(self.vectors.shape[0])), coordinates, )
[docs] def transform_from_cartesian(self, coordinates): """ Transforms coordinates from cartesian. Args: coordinates (array): an array of coordinates to be transformed. Returns: An array with transformed coordinates. """ return self.transform_from( Basis(numpy.eye(self.vectors.shape[0])), coordinates, )
[docs] def rotated(self, axis, angle, units = 'rad'): """ Rotates this basis. Args: axis (array): axis to rotate around; angle (float): angle to rotate; Kwargs: units (str): units of the angle: 'rad', 'deg' or 'frac'. Returns: A rotated copy of this basis. """ units = { "rad" : 1.0, "deg" : numpy.pi/180, "frac" : numpy.pi*2, }[units] angle *= units c = numpy.cos(angle) s = numpy.sin(angle) axis = numpy.array(axis, dtype = numpy.float) axis /= (axis**2).sum()**.5 axis_x = numpy.array(( (0, -axis[2], axis[1]), (axis[2], 0, -axis[0]), (-axis[1], axis[0], 0), )) M = c * numpy.eye(self.vectors.shape[0]) + s * axis_x + (1-c) *[:,numpy.newaxis],axis[numpy.newaxis,:]) result = self.copy() result.vectors =, M) return result
[docs] def volume(self): """ Computes the volume of a triclinic cell represented by the basis. Returns: Volume of the cell in **m^3**. """ return abs(numpy.linalg.det(self.vectors))
[docs] def reciprocal(self): """ Computes a reciprocal basis. Returns: A reciprocal basis. .. note:: The :math:`2 \pi` multiplier is not present. """ return Basis(numpy.swapaxes(numpy.linalg.inv(self.vectors),0,1))
[docs] def vertices(self): """ Computes cartesian coordinates of all vertices of the basis cell. Returns: Cartesian coordinates of all vertices. """ result = [] for v in itertools.product((0.0,1.0), repeat = self.vectors.shape[0]): result.append(self.transform_to_cartesian(numpy.array(v))) return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def edges(self): """ Computes pairs of cartesian coordinates of all edges of the basis cell. Returns: A list of pairs with cartesian coordinates of vertices forming edges. """ result = [] for e in range(self.vectors.shape[0]): for v in itertools.product((0.0,1.0), repeat = self.vectors.shape[0]-1): v1 = v[:e] + (0.,) + v[e:] v2 = v[:e] + (1.,) + v[e:] result.append(( (self.vectors*numpy.array(v1)[:,numpy.newaxis]).sum(axis = 0), (self.vectors*numpy.array(v2)[:,numpy.newaxis]).sum(axis = 0), )) return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def faces(self): """ Computes faces and returns corresponding cartesian coordinates. Returns: A list of lists of coordinates defining face polygon coordinates. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def copy(self): """ Calculates a copy. Returns: A deep copy of self. """ return Basis(self.vectors, meta = self.meta)
[docs] def stack(self, basises, vector = 'x', tolerance = 1e-10, restrict_collinear = False): """ Stacks several basises along one of the vectors. Args: basises (list): basises to stack. Corresponding vectors of all basises being stacked should match. Kwargs: vector (str,int): a vector along which to stack, either 'x', 'y', 'z' or an int specifying the vector; tolerance (float): a largest possible error in input basises' vectors; restrict_collinear (bool): if True will raise an exception if the vectors to stack along are not collinear Raises: ArgumentError: in the case of vector mismatch. Returns: A larger basis containing all argument cell stacked. """ basises = [self]+basises d = __xyz2i__(vector) otherVectors = list(range(basises[0].vectors.shape[0])) del otherVectors[d] # 3d array with lattice vectors: shapes[i,j,k] i=cell, j=lattice vector, k = component shapes = numpy.concatenate( tuple( i.vectors[numpy.newaxis,...] for i in basises ), axis = 0) # Check if non-stacking lattice vectors coincide stackingVectorsSum = shapes[:,d,:].sum(axis = 0) vecLengths = (shapes**2).sum(axis = 2)**0.5 otherVectors_d = shapes[:,otherVectors,:] - shapes[0,otherVectors,:][numpy.newaxis,...] otherVectors_ds = (otherVectors_d**2).sum(axis = -1)**.5 if numpy.any( otherVectors_ds > tolerance * vecLengths[:,otherVectors] ): raise ArgumentError('Dimension mismatch for stacking:\n{}\nCheck your input basis vectors or set tolerance to at least {} to skip this error'.format( shapes, numpy.amax(otherVectors_ds/vecLengths[:,otherVectors]), )) if restrict_collinear and numpy.any(numpy.abs(__angle__(shapes[:,d,:],stackingVectorsSum[numpy.newaxis,:])-1) > tolerance): raise ArgumentError('Vectors to stack along are not collinear:\n{}\nCheck your input basis vectors or set tolerance to at least {} to skip this error'.format( shapes, numpy.amax(numpy.abs(__angle__(shapes[:,d,:],stackingVectorsSum[numpy.newaxis,:])-1)), )) shape = self.vectors.copy() shape[d,:] = stackingVectorsSum return Basis(shape, meta = self.meta)
[docs] def repeated(self, times): """ Produces a new basis from a given by repeating it in all directions. Args: times (array): array of ints specifying how much the basis should be repeated along each of the vectors. """ c = self for i, t in enumerate(times): if not isinstance(t, int): raise ValueError("The input [{:d}] should be integers, found {} instead".format(i,times)) c = c.stack(*((c,)*(t-1)), vector = i) return c
[docs] def reorder_vectors(self, new): """ Reorders vectors. Args: new (array): new mapping of vectors. Example: >>> basis.reorder_vectors(0, 1, 2) # does nothing >>> basis.reorder_vectors(1, 0, 2) # swaps first and second vectors. """ new = tuple(__xyz2i__(i) for i in new) if not len(new) == self.vectors.shape[0]: raise ArgumentError("The new mapping of vectors should be of the size of {:d}".format(self.vectors.shape[0])) if not len(set(new)) == self.vectors.shape[0]: raise ArgumentError("The input contains duplicates") self.vectors = self.vectors[new,:]
[docs] def generate_path(self, points, n, anchor = True): """ Generates a path given key points and the total number of points on the path. Args: points (array): key points of the path expressed in this basis; n (int): the total number of points on the path. Kwargs: anchor (bool): force the specified points to be present in the final path. If True alters slightly the total point number; Returns: Path coordinates expressed in this basis. """ points = numpy.array(points) points_c = self.transform_to_cartesian(points) lengths = ((points_c[1:] - points_c[:-1])**2).sum(axis = -1)**.5 lengths_cs = numpy.cumsum(lengths) if anchor: lengths_n = numpy.round(lengths * n / lengths_cs[-1]).astype( path = [] for i in range(lengths_n.size): path_pos = numpy.linspace(0,1,lengths_n[i], endpoint = False)[:,numpy.newaxis] path.append(points[i,numpy.newaxis,:] * (1 - path_pos) + points[i+1,numpy.newaxis,:] * path_pos) path.append(points[-1,numpy.newaxis,:]) path = numpy.concatenate(path, axis = 0) else: path_l = numpy.linspace(0,1,n) * lengths_cs[-1] path_id = numpy.searchsorted(lengths_cs, path_l) path_pos = (lengths_cs[path_id] - path_l) / lengths[path_id] path = points[path_id,:] * path_pos[:,numpy.newaxis] + points[path_id+1,:] * (1 - path_pos[:,numpy.newaxis]) return numpy.array(path)
[docs]def diamond_basis(a): """ Creates a diamond basis with a given lattice constant. Args: a (float): the lattice constant; Returns: A diamond Basis. """ a = 0.5*a return Basis([[0,a,a],[a,0,a],[a,a,0]])
[docs]class UnitCell(Basis): """ A class describing a crystal unit cell in a periodic environment. Args: basis (Basis): a crystal basis. coordinates (array): a 2D array of coordinates of atoms (or any other instances) values (array): an array of atoms (or any other instances) with the leading dimenstion being the same as the one of ``coordinates`` array. Kwargs: c_basis (str,Basis): a Basis for input coordinates or 'cartesian' if coordinates are passed in the cartesian basis. """ def __init__(self, basis, coordinates, values, c_basis = None, units = None): Basis.__init__(self, basis.vectors, meta = basis.meta) dims = self.vectors.shape[0] # Process coordinates and vectors input self.coordinates = numpy.array(coordinates, dtype = numpy.float64) if len(self.coordinates.shape) == 1: if not self.coordinates.shape == (dims,): raise ArgumentError('Coordinates array is 1D, {:d} coordinates have to be specified instead of {:d}'.format(dims,self.coordinates.shape[0])) self.coordinates = self.coordinates[numpy.newaxis,...] elif len(self.coordinates.shape) == 2: if self.coordinates.shape[1] != dims: raise ArgumentError('Coordinates array is 2D but the last dimension {:d} is not equal to space dimensionality {:d}'.format(self.coordinates.shape[1], dims)) # Coordinates are now prepeared, proceed to values self.values = numpy.array(values) if len(self.values.shape) == 0: self.values = self.values[numpy.newaxis,...] if self.values.shape[0] < self.coordinates.shape[0] and self.coordinates.shape[0] % self.values.shape[0] == 0: # Broadcast values repeatedly self.values = numpy.array( tuple( self.values[i%self.values.shape[0]] for i in range(self.coordinates.shape[0]) ) ) elif not self.values.shape[0] == self.coordinates.shape[0]: raise ArgumentError('Mismatch of sizes of coordinates and values arrays: {:d} vs {:d}'.format( self.coordinates.shape[0], self.values.shape[0] )) # Process basis information if c_basis == None: pass elif c_basis == 'cartesian': self.coordinates = self.transform_from_cartesian(self.coordinates) else: self.coordinates = self.transform_from(c_basis, self.coordinates) if not units is None: self.meta["units"] = units def __getstate__(self): result = super(UnitCell,self).__getstate__() result["coordinates"] = self.coordinates.tolist() result["values"] = self.values.tolist() return result def __setstate__(self,data): super(UnitCell,self).__setstate__(data) self.__init__(self, data["coordinates"], data["values"]) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(j): """ Restores a UnitCell from JSON data. Args: j (dict): JSON data. Returns: A UnitCell object. """ if not "type" in j or not j["type"] == "dfttools.UnitCell": raise ValueError("This is not a valid UnitCell JSON representation.") result = UnitCell(Basis(j["vectors"], meta = j["meta"]), j["coordinates"], j["values"]) result.__setstate__(j) return result
def __eq__(self, another): return Basis.__eq__(self,another) and numpy.all(self.coordinates == another.coordinates) and numpy.all(self.values == another.values) @input_as_list
[docs] def angles(self, ids): """ Computes angles between cell specimens. Args: ids (array): a set of specimen IDs to compute angles between. Several shapes are accepted: * nx3 array: computes n cosines of angles [n,0]-[n,1]-[n,2]; * 1D array of length n: computes n-2 cosines of angles [n-1]-[n]-[n+1]; Returns: A numpy array containing cosines of angles specified. Example: Following are the valid calls: >>> cell.angles((0,1,2)) # angle between vectors connecting {second and first} and {second and third} species >>> cell.angles(0,1,2) # a simplified version of above >>> cell.angles(0,1,3,2) # two angles along path: 0-1-3 and 1-3-2 >>> cell.angles(tuple(0,1,3,2)) # same as above >>> cell.angles((0,1,3),(1,3,2)) # same as above """ v = self.cartesian() ids = numpy.array(ids, dtype = numpy.int64) if len(ids.shape)==1: if ids.shape[0]<3: raise ArgumentError("Only %i points are found, at least 3 required" % ids.shape[0]) vectors = v[ids[:-1],:]-v[ids[1:],:] nonzero = numpy.argwhere((vectors**2).sum(axis=1) > 0)[:,0] if nonzero.shape[0] == 0: raise ArgumentError("All points coincide") vectors[:nonzero[0]] = vectors[nonzero[0]] vectors[nonzero[-1]+1:] = vectors[nonzero[-1]] vectors_1 = vectors[:-1] vectors_2 = -vectors[1:] for i in range(nonzero.shape[0]-1): vectors_1[nonzero[i]+1:nonzero[i+1]] = vectors_1[nonzero[i]] vectors_2[nonzero[i]:nonzero[i+1]-1] = vectors_2[nonzero[i+1]-1] elif len(ids.shape)==2: if ids.shape[1]!=3: raise ArgumentError("The input array is [%ix%i], required [nx3]" % ids.shape) vectors_1 = v[ids[:,0],:] - v[ids[:,1],:] vectors_2 = v[ids[:,2],:] - v[ids[:,1],:] else: raise ArgumentError("The input array has unsupported dimensionality %i" % len(ids.shape)) return __angle__(vectors_1,vectors_2)
[docs] def distances(self, ids): """ Computes distances between species and specified points. Args: ids (array): a list of specimen IDs to compute distances between. Several shapes are accepted: * empty: returns a 2D matrix of all possible distances * nx2 array of ints: returns n distances between each pair of [n,0]-[n,1] species; * 1D array of ints of length n: returns n-1 distances between each pair of [n-1]-[n] species; Returns: A numpy array containing list of distances. """ v = self.cartesian() if len(ids) == 0: return ((v[numpy.newaxis,...] - v[:,numpy.newaxis,:])**2).sum(axis = -1)**.5 ids = numpy.array(ids, dtype = numpy.int64) if len(ids.shape) == 1: if ids.shape[0] < 2: raise ArgumentError("Only %i points are found, at least 2 required" % ids.shape[0]) return ((v[ids[:-1],:]-v[ids[1:],:])**2).sum(axis = 1)**.5 elif len(ids.shape) == 2: if ids.shape[1] != 2: raise ArgumentError("The input array is [%ix%i], required [nx2]" % ids.shape) return ((v[ids[:,0],:]-v[ids[:,1],:])**2).sum(axis = 1)**.5 else: raise ArgumentError("The input array has unsupported dimensionality %i" % len(ids.shape))
[docs] def size(self): """ Retrieves the number of points or species in this unit cell. Returns: Number of points or species in cell. """ return self.coordinates.shape[0]
[docs] def cartesian(self): """ Computes cartesian coordinates. Returns: A numpy array with cartesian coordinates """ return self.transform_to_cartesian(self.coordinates)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Calculates a copy. Returns: A copy of self. """ return UnitCell( self, self.coordinates, self.values)
[docs] def normalized(self, sort = None): """ Moves all species respecting periodicity so that each coordinate becomes in the unit range 0<=x<1 in the cell basis. Sorts the data if ``sort`` provided. Kwargs: sort: coordinates to sort with: either 'x', 'y', 'z' or 0,1,2. Returns: A new grid with normalized data. """ sort = __xyz2i__(sort) result = self.copy() result.coordinates = result.coordinates % 1 if not sort is None: result.apply(numpy.argsort(result.coordinates[:,sort])) return result
[docs] def packed(self): """ Moves all species as close to the origin as it is possible. Does not perform translation. Returns: A new unit cell with packed coordinates. """ result = self.normalized() coordinates = result.cartesian() vertices = result.vertices() d = coordinates[:,numpy.newaxis,:] - vertices[numpy.newaxis, :, :] d = (d**2).sum(axis = -1) d = numpy.argmin(d, axis = -1) coordinates -= vertices[d,:] result.coordinates = result.transform_from( Basis( numpy.eye(result.vectors.shape[0]) ), coordinates) return result
[docs] def isolated(self, gaps, units = "crystal"): """ Generates an isolated representation of this cell. Symmetrically adds vacuum along all unit cell vectors such that resulting unit cell vectors are parallel to the initial ones. Args: gaps (array): size of the vacuum layer in each direction either in cartesian or in crystal units. Kwargs: units (str): units of the vacuum size, 'cartesian' or 'crystal' Returns: A new unit cell with spacially isolated species. """ gaps = numpy.array(gaps, dtype = numpy.float64) if units == "cartesian": gaps /= ((self.vectors**2).sum(axis = 1)**.5) elif units == "crystal": pass else: raise ArgumentError("Unknown units: '{}'".format(str(units))) result = self.copy() gaps += 1 result.vectors *= gaps[...,numpy.newaxis] result.coordinates /= gaps[numpy.newaxis,...] result.coordinates += (0.5*(gaps-1)/gaps)[numpy.newaxis,...] return result
[docs] def isolated2(self, gap): """ Generates an isolated representation of this cell. The resulting cell is rectangular and contains space gaps of at least "gap" size. Args: gap (float): size of the space gap along all ``self.vectors``. Returns: A new unit cell with spacially isolated species. """ c = self.normalized() coordinates = c.cartesian()+gap shape = numpy.amax(c.vertices(), axis = 0)+2*gap return UnitCell( Basis( shape, kind = 'orthorombic', meta = self.meta, ), coordinates, self.values, c_basis = 'cartesian')
[docs] def select(self, piece): """ Selects a piece of this cell. Args: piece (array): fraction of the cell to be selected, see examples. The order of coordinates in ``piece`` is ``x_from, y_from, ..., z_from, x_to, y_to, ..., z_to``. Returns: A numpy array with bools defining whether particular specimen is selected or not. Example: >>>,0,0,1,1,1)) # select all species with coordinates within (0,1) range >>>,0,0,1,1,1) # a simplified version of above >>>,0,0,0.5,1,1) # select the 'left' part >>>,0,0,1,1,1) # select the 'right' part """ if not len(piece) == 2*self.vectors.shape[0]: raise ArgumentError("Wrong coordinates array: expecting {:d} elements, found {:d}".format( 2*self.vectors.shape[0], len(piece) )) piece = numpy.reshape(piece,(2,-1)) p1 = numpy.amin(piece,axis = 0) p2 = numpy.amax(piece,axis = 0) return numpy.all(self.coordinates< p2[numpy.newaxis,:],axis = 1) &\ numpy.all(self.coordinates>=p1[numpy.newaxis,:],axis = 1)
[docs] def apply(self, selection): """ Applies selection to this cell. Inverse of ``UnitCell.discard``. Args: selection (array): seleted species. Example: >>> selection =,0,0,0.5,1,1)) # Selects species in the 'left' part of the unit cell. >>> cell.apply(selection) # Applies selection. Species outside the 'left' part are discarded. """ selection = numpy.array(selection) self.coordinates = self.coordinates[selection,:] self.values = self.values[selection]
[docs] def discard(self, selection): """ Removes specified species from cell. Inverse of ``Cell.apply``. Args: selection (array): species to remove. Example: >>> selection =,0,0,0.5,1,1)) # Selects species in the 'left' part of the unit cell. >>> cell.discard(selection) # Discards selection. Species inside the 'left' part are removed. """ self.apply(~numpy.array(selection))
[docs] def cut(self, piece): """ Selects a piece of this unit cell and returns it as a smaller unit cell. Kwargs: piece (array): fraction of the cell to be selected. The order of coordinates in ``piece`` is ``x_from, y_from, ..., z_from, x_to, y_to, ..., z_to``. Returns: A smaller unit cell selected. """ result = self.copy() result.apply( piece = numpy.reshape(piece,(2,-1)) p1 = numpy.amin(piece,axis = 0) p2 = numpy.amax(piece,axis = 0) result.coordinates -= p1[numpy.newaxis,:] result.coordinates /= (p2-p1)[numpy.newaxis,:] result.vectors *= (p2-p1)[numpy.newaxis,:] return result
[docs] def add(self, cells): """ Adds species from another unit cells to this one. Args: cells (arguments): unit cells to be merged with. Returns: A new unit cell with merged data. """ c = [self.coordinates] v = [self.values] for cell in cells: if not numpy.all(cell.vectors == self.vectors): raise ArgumentError('Dimension mismatch: %r, %r' % (self.vectors, cell.vectors)) c.append(cell.coordinates) v.append(cell.values) return UnitCell( self, numpy.concatenate(c, axis = 0), numpy.concatenate(v, axis = 0))
[docs] def stack(self, cells, vector = 'x', **kwargs): """ Stacks several cells along one of the vectors. Args: cells (list): cells to stack. Corresponding vectors of all cells being stacked should match. Kwargs: vector (str,int): a vector along which to stack, either 'x', 'y', 'z' or an int specifying the vector. The rest of kwargs are redirected to ``Basis.stack``. Raises: ArgumentError: in the case of vector mismatch. Returns: A bigger unit cell containing all argument cell stacked. """ cells = [self]+cells d = __xyz2i__(vector) dims = self.vectors.shape[0] for c in cells: if not type(c) in (UnitCell, Basis): raise ArgumentError('Cannot stack object {}'.format(c)) basis = Basis.stack(*cells, vector = vector, **kwargs) values = numpy.concatenate(tuple(cell.values for cell in cells if isinstance(cell, UnitCell)), axis = 0) coordinates = [] shift = numpy.zeros(dims) for c in cells: if isinstance(c, UnitCell): coordinates.append(c.cartesian() + shift[numpy.newaxis,:]) shift += c.vectors[d,:] coordinates = numpy.concatenate(coordinates, axis = 0) return UnitCell(basis, coordinates, values, c_basis = "cartesian")
[docs] def supercell(self, vec): """ Produces a supercell from a given unit cell. Args: vec (array): the supercell vectors in units of current unit cell vectors Returns: A new supercell. """ vec = numpy.array(vec, dtype = numpy.float64) sc_min = None sc_max = None for v in itertools.product((0.0,1.0), repeat = vec.shape[0]): vertex = (vec*numpy.array(v)[:,numpy.newaxis]).sum(axis = 0) if sc_min is None: sc_min = numpy.array(v) else: sc_min = numpy.minimum(sc_min, vertex) if sc_max is None: sc_max = numpy.array(v) else: sc_max = numpy.maximum(sc_max, vertex) # Fix roundoff random_displacement = random.rand(self.coordinates.shape[-1])[numpy.newaxis,:] u = self.copy() u.coordinates += random_displacement sc = u.repeated((sc_max - sc_min).astype(numpy.int64)).normalized() origin = (self.vectors * sc_min[:,numpy.newaxis]).sum(axis = 0) result = UnitCell( Basis(, self.vectors), meta = self.meta), sc.cartesian() + origin[numpy.newaxis,:], sc.values, c_basis = 'cartesian', ) result.apply(numpy.all(numpy.logical_and(result.coordinates >= 0, result.coordinates < 1), axis = 1)) result.coordinates -= result.transform_from(u, random_displacement) return result
[docs] def species(self): """ Collects number of species of each kind in this cell. Particularly useful for counting the number of atoms. Returns: A dictionary containing species as keys and number of atoms as values. """ answer = {} for s in self.values: try: answer[s] += 1 except: answer[s] = 1 return answer
[docs] def reorder_vectors(self, new): """ Reorders vectors. Args: new (array): new mapping of vectors. Example: >>> cell.reorder_vectors(0, 1, 2) # does nothing >>> cell.reorder_vectors(1, 0, 2) # swaps first and second vectors. .. note:: A call to this method does not modify the output of ``self.cartesian()``. """ new = tuple(__xyz2i__(i) for i in new) Basis.reorder_vectors(self, new) self.coordinates = self.coordinates[:, new]
[docs] def as_grid(self, fill = float("nan")): """ Converts this unit cell to grid. Kwargs: fill: default value to fill with Returns: A new grid with data from initial cell. """ # Convert coordinates coordinates = list( numpy.sort( numpy.unique(self.coordinates[:,i]) ) for i in range(self.coordinates.shape[1]) ) # A coordinates lookup table coord2index = list( dict(zip(a, range(a.size))) for a in coordinates ) # Convert values data = fill*numpy.ones(tuple( a.size for a in coordinates) + self.values.shape[1:]) for c,v in zip(self.coordinates, self.values): indexes = tuple( coord2index[i][cc] for i, cc in enumerate(c)) data[indexes] = v return Grid( Basis(self.vectors, meta = self.meta), coordinates, data, )
[docs] def interpolate(self, points, driver = None, periodic = True, **kwargs): """ Interpolates values at specified points. By default uses ``scipy.interpolate.griddata``. Args: points (array): points to interpolate at. Kwargs: driver (func): interpolation driver. periodic (bool): employs periodicity of a unit cell. kwargs: keywords to the driver. Returns: A new unit cell with interpolated data. """ points = numpy.array(points, dtype = numpy.float64) if driver is None: from scipy import interpolate driver = interpolate.griddata if periodic: # Avoid edge problems by creating copies of this cell supercell = self.repeated((3,)*self.vectors.shape[0]).normalized() data_points = supercell.cartesian() data_values = supercell.values # Shift points to the central unit cell points_i = self.transform_to_cartesian(points % 1) + self.vectors.sum(axis = 0)[numpy.newaxis, :] else: data_points = self.cartesian() data_values = self.values points_i = self.transform_to_cartesian(points) # Interpolate return UnitCell( self, points, driver(data_points, data_values, points_i, **kwargs), )
[docs]class Grid(Basis): """ A class describing a data on a grid in a periodic environment. Args: basis (Basis): a crystal basis. coordinates (array): a list of arrays of coordinates specifying grid. values (array): a multidimensional array with data on the grid. """ def __init__(self, basis, coordinates, values, units=None): Basis.__init__(self, basis.vectors, meta = basis.meta) dims = self.vectors.shape[0] self.coordinates = list(numpy.array(c, dtype = numpy.float64) for c in coordinates) self.values = numpy.array(values) # Proceed to checks if not len(self.coordinates) == dims: raise ArgumentError("The size of the basis is {:d} but the number of coordinates specified is different: {:d}".format(dims, len(self.coordinates))) for i, c in enumerate(self.coordinates): if not len(c.shape) == 1: raise ArgumentError("Coordinates[{:d}] is not a 1D array".format(i)) if len(self.values.shape) < dims: raise ArgumentError("The dimensionality of a 'values' array is less ({:d}) than expected ({:d})".format(len(self.values.shape),dims)) for i in range(dims): if not self.values.shape[i] == self.coordinates[i].shape[0]: raise ArgumentError("The {:d} dimension of 'values' array is equal to {:d} which is different from the size of a corresponding 'coordinates' array {:d}".format(i,self.values.shape[i],self.coordinates[i].shape[0])) if not units is None: self.meta["units"] = units def __getstate__(self): result = super(Grid,self).__getstate__() result["coordinates"] = tuple(i.tolist() for i in self.coordinates) result["values"] = self.values.tolist() return result def __setstate__(self,data): super(Grid,self).__setstate__(data) self.__init__(self, data["coordinates"], data["values"]) def __eq__(self, another): result = Basis.__eq__(self,another) result = result and numpy.all(self.values == another.values) for i,j in zip(self.coordinates, another.coordinates): result = result and numpy.all(i==j) return result
[docs] def size(self): """ Retrieves the total size of points on the grid. Returns: Number of species in cell as an integer. """ r = 1 for a in self.coordinates: r *= a.size return r
[docs] def combine_arrays(arrays): """ Transforms input 1D arrays of coordinates into (N+1)D mesh array where first N dimensions correspond to a particular grid point and the last dimension specifies all coordinates of this grid point. Args: arrays (list): a list of 1D arrays; Returns: A meshgrid array with coordinates. """ mg = numpy.meshgrid(*arrays, indexing='ij') return numpy.concatenate(tuple(i[...,numpy.newaxis] for i in mg), axis = len(mg))
[docs] def uniform(size, endpoint = False): """ Transform positive integers `size` into a meshgrid array representing a grid where grid points span uniformly zero to one intervals. Args: size (array): an array with positive integers; Kwargs: endpoint (bool): indicates whether to include x=1 into grids. Returns: A meshgrid array with coordinates. """ return Grid.combine_arrays(tuple( numpy.linspace(0,1,i,endpoint = endpoint) for i in size ))
[docs] def explicit_coordinates(self): """ Creates an (N+1)D array with explicit coordinates at each grid point. Returns: An (N+1)D array with coordinates. """ return Grid.combine_arrays(self.coordinates)
[docs] def cartesian(self): """ Computes cartesian coordinates. Returns: A multidimensional numpy array with cartesian coordinates at each grid point. """ return self.transform_to_cartesian(self.explicit_coordinates())
[docs] def copy(self): """ Calculates a copy. Returns: A copy of self. """ return Grid( self, self.coordinates, self.values)
[docs] def normalized(self): """ Moves all grid points respecting periodicity so that each coordinate becomes in the unit range 0<=x<1 in the cell basis. Sorts the data. Returns: A new grid with normalized data. """ result = self.copy() for i in range(len(result.coordinates)): result.coordinates[i] = result.coordinates[i] % 1 result.apply(tuple(numpy.argsort(a) for a in result.coordinates)) return result
[docs] def isolated(self, gaps, units = "cartesian"): """ Generates an isolated representation of this grid. Symmetrically adds vacuum along all basis vectors such that resulting grid basis vectors are parallel to the initial ones. Args: gaps (array): size of the vacuum layer in each direction either in cartesian or in crystal units. Kwargs: units (str): units of the vacuum size, 'cartesian' or 'crystal' Returns: A new isolated grid. """ gaps = numpy.array(gaps, dtype = numpy.float64) if units == "cartesian": gaps /= ((self.vectors**2).sum(axis = 1)**.5) elif units == "crystal": pass else: raise ArgumentError("Unknown units: '{}'".format(str(units))) result = self.copy() gaps += 1 result.vectors *= gaps[...,numpy.newaxis] for i in range(len(result.coordinates)): result.coordinates[i] /= gaps[i] result.coordinates[i] += (0.5*(gaps[i]-1)/gaps[i]) return result
[docs] def select(self, piece): """ Selects a piece of this grid. Args: piece (array): fraction of the grid to be selected, see examples. The order of coordinates in ``piece`` is ``x_from, y_from, ..., z_from, x_to, y_to, ..., z_to``. Returns: A list of numpy arrays with bools defining whether particular grid point is selected or not. Example: >>>,0,0,1,1,1)) # select all grid points with coordinates within (0,1) range >>>,0,0,1,1,1) # a simplified version of above >>>,0,0,0.5,1,1) # select the 'left' part >>>,0,0,1,1,1) # select the 'right' part """ if not len(piece) == 2*self.vectors.shape[0]: raise ArgumentError("Wrong coordinates array: expecting {:d} elements, found {:d}".format( 2*self.vectors.shape[0], len(piece) )) piece = numpy.reshape(piece,(2,-1)) p1 = numpy.amin(piece,axis = 0) p2 = numpy.amax(piece,axis = 0) return list( (c<mx) & (c>=mn) for c,mn,mx in zip(self.coordinates,p1,p2) )
[docs] def apply(self, selection): """ Applies selection to this grid. Inverse of ``Grid.discard``. Args: selection (array): seleted grid points. Example: >>> selection =,0,0,0.5,1,1)) # Selects species in the 'left' part of the grid. >>> grid.apply(selection) # Applies selection. Species outside the 'left' part are discarded. """ selection = list(selection) slices = [slice(None,None,None)]*len(self.coordinates) for i in range(len(self.coordinates)): if not isinstance(selection[i],slice): selection[i] = numpy.array(selection[i]) self.coordinates[i] = self.coordinates[i][selection[i]] # Set a valid slice slices[i] = selection[i] # Apply slice self.values = self.values[slices] # Revert slice slices[i] = slice(None,None,None)
[docs] def discard(self, selection): """ Removes specified points from this grid. Inverse of ``Grid.apply``. Args: selection (array): points to remove. Example: >>> selection =,0,0,0.5,1,1)) # Selects points in the 'left' part of the grid. >>> grid.discard(selection) # Discards selection. Points inside the 'left' part are removed. """ self.apply(tuple(~numpy.array(i) for i in selection))
[docs] def cut(self, piece): """ Selects a piece of the grid and returns it as a smaller basis. Kwargs: piece (array): fraction of the grid to be selected. The order of coordinates in ``piece`` is ``x_from, y_from, ..., z_from, x_to, y_to, ..., z_to``. Returns: A smaller grid selected. """ result = self.copy() result.apply( piece = numpy.reshape(piece,(2,-1)) p1 = numpy.amin(piece,axis = 0) p2 = numpy.amax(piece,axis = 0) for i in range(len(result.coordinates)): result.coordinates[i] -= p1[i] result.coordinates[i] /= (p2-p1)[i] result.vectors *= (p2-p1)[numpy.newaxis,:] return result
[docs] def add(self, grids, fill = float("nan")): """ Adds grid points from another grids to this one. Args: grids (arguments): grids to be merged with. Returns: A new grid with merged data. """ dims = len(self.coordinates) grids = [self]+grids new_coordinates = [] # Coordinates lookup tables coord2index = [] # Calculate unique coordinates on the grid and lookup tables for j in range(dims): c = [] for i in grids: c.append(i.coordinates[j]) c = numpy.concatenate(c,axis = 0) unique_coordinates, lookup = numpy.unique(c, return_inverse = True) new_coordinates.append(unique_coordinates) coord2index.append(lookup) new_shape = tuple(a.shape[0] for a in new_coordinates) new_values = numpy.ones(new_shape + self.values.shape[dims:])*fill # Fill in the values offsets = [0]*dims for i in grids: location = tuple(c2i[o:o+c.shape[0]] for o, c2i, c in zip(offsets, coord2index, i.coordinates)) location = numpy.ix_(*location) new_values[location] = i.values for j in range(len(offsets)): offsets[j] += i.coordinates[j].shape[0] return Grid( self, new_coordinates, new_values, )
[docs] def stack(self, grids, vector = 'x', **kwargs): """ Stacks several grids along one of the vectors. Args: grids (list): grids to stack. Corresponding vectors of all grids being stacked should match. Kwargs: vector (str,int): a vector along which to stack, either 'x', 'y', 'z' or an int specifying the vector. The rest of kwargs are redirected to ``Basis.stack``. Raises: ArgumentError: in the case of vector mismatch. Returns: A bigger grid containing all argument grids stacked. """ grids = [self]+grids d = __xyz2i__(vector) dims = self.vectors.shape[0] otherVectors = list(range(grids[0].vectors.shape[0])) del otherVectors[d] basis = Basis.stack(*grids, vector = vector, **kwargs) for g in grids: if not type(g) in (Grid, Basis): raise ArgumentError('The object {} is not an instance of a Grid'.format(g)) for i, g in enumerate(grids[1:]): if isinstance(g, Grid): for dim in otherVectors: if not len(g.coordinates[dim]) == len(self.coordinates[dim]) or not numpy.all(g.coordinates[dim] == self.coordinates[dim]): raise ArgumentError("Grid coordinates in dimension {:d} of cells 0 and {:d} are different".format(dim, i)) values = numpy.concatenate(tuple(grid.values for grid in grids if isinstance(grid, Grid)), axis = d) stackingVectorsLen = numpy.array(tuple((grid.vectors[d]**2).sum(axis = -1)**.5 for grid in grids)) shifts = numpy.cumsum(stackingVectorsLen) shifts = shifts/shifts[-1] # kx+b k = numpy.ones((len(grids),dims)) k[:,d] = stackingVectorsLen/stackingVectorsLen.sum() b = numpy.zeros((len(grids),dims)) b[:,d] = numpy.concatenate(((0,),shifts[:-1])) coordinates = [] for dim in range(dims): if dim == d: coordinates.append(numpy.concatenate(tuple( grid.coordinates[dim]*k[i,dim]+b[i,dim] for i,grid in enumerate(grids) if isinstance(grid, Grid) ),axis = 0)) else: coordinates.append(self.coordinates[dim]) return Grid(basis, coordinates, values)
[docs] def reorder_vectors(self, new): """ Reorders vectors. Does not change output of ``Grid.cartesian()``. Args: new (array): new mapping of vectors. Example: >>> grid.reorder_vectors(0, 1, 2) # does nothing >>> grid.reorder_vectors(1, 0, 2) # swaps first and second vectors. .. note:: A call to this method does not modify the output of ``self.cartesian()``. """ new = list(__xyz2i__(i) for i in new) Basis.reorder_vectors(self, new) self.coordinates = list(self.coordinates[n] for n in new) # Change values using swapaxes for i in range(len(new)): if not new[i] == i: self.values = self.values.swapaxes(i, new[i]) new[new[i]] = new[i]
[docs] def as_unitCell(self): """ Converts this cell to a ``UnitCell``. Returns: A new ``UnitCell``. """ c = self.explicit_coordinates() c = c.reshape((-1,c.shape[-1])) v = self.values.reshape((-1,)+self.values.shape[len(self.coordinates):]) return UnitCell(self, c, v)
[docs] def interpolate_to_array(self, points, driver = None, periodic = True, **kwargs): """ Interpolates values at specified points and returns an array of interpolated values. By default uses ``scipy.interpolate.interpn``. Args: points (array): points to interpolate at. Kwargs: driver (func): interpolation driver; periodic (bool): employs periodicity of a unit cell; The rest of keyword arguments are passed to the driver. Returns: An array with values of corresponding shape. """ if driver is None: from scipy import interpolate driver = interpolate.interpn points = numpy.array(points) normalized = self.normalized() if periodic: data_points = normalized.coordinates data_values = normalized.values # Avoid edge problems for i, a in enumerate(data_points): data_points[i] = numpy.insert(a,(0,a.size),(a[-1]-1.0,a[0]+1.0)) left_slice = (slice(None),)*i + ((0,),) + (slice(None),)*(len(data_points)-i-1) left = data_values[left_slice] right_slice = (slice(None),)*i + ((-1,),) + (slice(None),)*(len(data_points)-i-1) right = data_values[right_slice] data_values = numpy.concatenate((right, data_values, left), axis = i) points = points % 1 else: data_points = normalized.coordinates data_values = normalized.values # Interpolate return driver(data_points, data_values, points, **kwargs)
[docs] def interpolate_to_grid(self, points, **kwargs): """ Interpolates values at specified points and returns a grid. By default uses ``scipy.interpolate.interpn``. Args: points (array): points to interpolate at. Kwargs are passed to ``self.interpolate_to_array``. Returns: A grid with interpolated values. """ return Grid(self, points, self.interpolate_to_array(Grid.combine_arrays(points), **kwargs))
[docs] def interpolate_to_cell(self, points, **kwargs): """ Interpolates values at specified points and returns a unit cell. By default uses ``scipy.interpolate.interpn``. Args: points (array): points to interpolate at. Kwargs are passed to ``self.interpolate_to_array``. Returns: A unit cell interpolated values. """ return UnitCell(self, points, self.interpolate_to_array(points, **kwargs))
[docs] def interpolate_to_path(self, points, n, anchor = True, **kwargs): """ Interpolates values to a path: performs path generation using ``Basis.generate_path`` and interpolates values on it. Args: points (array): key points of the path expressed in lattice coordinates; n (int): the total number of points on the path. Kwargs: anchor (bool): force the specified points to be present in the final path. If True alters slightly the total point number; kwargs: keywords to the 'interpolate_to_cell' routine. Returns: A unit cell interpolated values. """ return self.interpolate_to_cell(self.generate_path(points,n,anchor = anchor), **kwargs)
[docs] def tetrahedron_density(self, points, resolved = False, weights = None): """ Convolves data to calculate density (of states). Uses the tetrahedron method from PRB 49, 16223 by E. Blochl et al. Works only in a 3D space. Args: points (array): values to calculate density at. Kwargs: resolved (bool): if True returns a spacially and index resolved density. The dimensions of the returned array are ``self.values.shape + points.shape``. weights (array): if specified and ``resolved`` is False convolves result with the specified weights. Returns: A numpy array containing density: 1D if ``resolved == False`` or a corresponding Grid if ``resolved == True``. """ if not self.vectors.shape[0] == 3: raise ArgumentError("The tetrahedron density method is implemented only for 3D grids") initial = self.values points = numpy.array(points, dtype = numpy.float64) self.values = numpy.reshape(self.values, self.values.shape[:3]+(-1,)) minima = numpy.min(self.values, axis = (0,1,2)) maxima = numpy.max(self.values, axis = (0,1,2)) bottom = (maxima<points.min()).sum() top = (minima<points.max()).sum() # Optimize size self.values = self.values[...,bottom:top] if resolved: # Sum over bands raw = tetrahedron(self, points).reshape(self.values.shape + points.shape) self.values = initial return Grid( self, self.coordinates, raw, ) else: if weights is None: weights = numpy.ones(self.values.shape, dtype = numpy.float64) else: weights = numpy.array(weights, dtype = numpy.float64) weights = numpy.reshape(weights, weights.shape[:3]+(-1,))[...,bottom:top] raw = tetrahedron_plain(self, points, weights) self.values = initial return raw